(a) The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale not less than 100 feet to the inch on sheets 24 inches by 36 inches in size and shall meet the following specifications or have the following inclusions:
(1) Proposed name of subdivision which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the City;
(2) Names and addresses of the owner, subdivider and the registered land surveyor and engineer who prepared the plat and the utility plans;
(3) Scale of plat, north point and date of survey with each sheet in the submission numbered and the relation of each sheet to the remaining sheets shown diagrammatically;
(4) All lot lines adjacent to and abutting the subdivision and corporation and township lines;
(5) Location of wooded areas and other significant natural features;
(6) Topographic map showing one-foot contour intervals where the natural slope does not exceed five percent (5%) gradient; showing two-foot contour intervals where the natural slope is between five percent (5%) and ten percent (10%); and showing five-foot contour intervals where the natural slope is in excess of ten percent (10%). Such topography shall be delineated for the land area within and adjacent to the plat for a minimum distance of fifty feet;
(7) Layouts of lots, showing approximate dimensions, and plat lot number;
(8) Preliminary layout of required public utilities;
(9) Existing utility easements;
(10) Location and size of existing or nearest water main and sewer outlet, location of culverts and other underground structures;
(11) Rights of way and pavement widths on, and adjoining, the site of the proposed subdivision, showing the street names and other pertinent data; and
(12) Parcels of land proposed to be dedicated and reserved for schools, parks, playgrounds or other public, semipublic or community purposes in accordance with the official land use plan, community facilities plan and open space plan. The various sheets constituting the preliminary plat shall be consecutively numbered.
(b) The preliminary plat shall contain, in addition, information on the proposed use of lots, including the type and number of dwelling units, or the type of business or industry proposed, proposed covenants and restrictions, proposed zoning changes as contemplated or approved.
(c) Subdivisions for the purpose of accommodating commercial and industrial development shall include in the preliminary plat the location, dimensions and approximate grade of proposed parking and loading areas; and points of vehicular ingress and egress to the development.
(d) In the lower right-hand corner of the preliminary plat sheets occupying an area of at least 6 inches by 9 inches in size shall be a location map showing the following:
(1) Boundary line of the proposed subdivision indicated by a solid heavy line and the total approximate acreage involved;
(2) Subdivision name and location, specifying U.S. Geological Survey section, township and range lines;
(3) Any and all thoroughfares related to the subdivision;
(4) Existing elementary and secondary schools, parks and playgrounds available for serving the area proposed to be subdivided, and other relevant community facilities;
(5) Title, scale, north arrow and date.
(Ord. 1974-99. Passed 10-22-74.)