The Council of the City of Clyde, which has adopted a resolution under Section 903.01 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances, declaring the necessity for a public improvement shall, after the expiration of the time for filing claims for damages under Section 727.18 of the Revised Code, and, in the event objections to the estimated assessment have been filed under Section 903.03 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances, and the report of the assessment equalization board has been approved under Section 903.05 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances determine whether or not it will proceed with the proposed improvement.
   In the event the City of Clyde determines to proceed with the improvement it shall pass an ordinance which shall:
   (a)   State the intentions of the City of Clyde to proceed with the improvement in accordance with the provisions of the resolution of necessity adopted under Section 903.01 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances.
   (b)   Adopt the estimated assessment prepared and filed in accordance with the resolution of necessity passed under Section 903.01 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances, or, in the event objections to such estimated assessment have been filed under Section 903.03 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances, adopt the estimated assessment approved by the City of Clyde under Section 903.05 of the Clyde Codified Ordinances;
   (c)   State whether or not claims for damages filed in accordance with Section 727.18 of the Revised Code shall be judicially inquired into before commencing or after completing the proposed improvement.
   (d)   Deferred payment will be based on low income data, which such data will be provided by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
      (Ord. 1996-45. Passed 5-7-96.)