(A)   Description of District. The principal purpose of the Conservation District is the protection of natural resources and environmentally sensitive areas, and to prevent these resources and areas from being degraded. The District permits low intensity and low activity uses which are compatible with these resource protection goals. It is not intended for high intensity, high activity, and potentially damaging uses which are customarily provided in other districts. The types of natural resources and environmentally sensitive areas which are to be protected, maintained, and conserved in this District include large canopy forests, fragile hillsides, and highly erodible slopes, habitat for unique fish and wildlife, threatened and endangered species, wetlands, stream corridors, and other sensitive or unique natural areas and features.
   (B)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Nature preserves, public and private open space parks, wildlife preserves, hunting grounds, fishing, and hiking areas;
      (2)   Historic sites, historic structures, historic monuments, historic farms and accompanying produce sales, outdoor education exhibits, natural history museums, and existing cemeteries;
      (3)   Agricultural or farming uses; and
      (4)   Small roadside stands and farmers marts selling produce only;
   (C)   Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses: dwelling unit (subject to zoning district standards) for groundskeeper, caretaker, or manager of the property including:
      (1)   Private garages and parking;
      (2)   Structures such as fences and walls;
      (3)   Storage sheds, barns; and
      (4)   Private stables or other keeping and use of pets and animals.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following uses and appropriate accessories subject to the approval and qualifications of the Board of Adjustments and Zoning Appeals provided, the activity is of integral relation to and directly in support of the conservation activity, or the use, building, or structure is subservient to and not of scale, nature advertisement, trade, or other character which will compete, detract, or conflict with the principal purpose of the District; the activity is necessary to serve the public or membership engaged in the principal purpose so long as the service area, use, scale, or other character of the activity does not overpower, transcend of conflict with the principal purpose of the District of immediate environs surrounding; and provided the arrangement of use, building, or structure is mutually compatible with the organization of permitted and accessory uses to be protected in the District. The uses below shall be related to a nature preserve, open space park, wildlife preserve, fishing and hiking areas, hunting grounds, historic sites, historic structures, historic monuments, farms, existing cemeteries, and museums:
      (1)   Retail sales or service of gasoline, oil, marine craft and accessories, grocery items, confectionery, drug and proprietary, art and craft products, books and stationery, antiques, sporting and athletic goods, bait, fuel and ice, bottled gas, newspapers and magazines, photographic supplies, gifts, novelties, souvenirs, and similar products;
      (2)   The operation of eating and drinking establishments;
      (3)   Bed and breakfast inns; and
      (4)   Roadside stands, farmer’s marts, and similar sales uses of agricultural and related products including specialty crafts and foods.
   (E)   Dimensional regulations. There is no minimum size or extent of a Conservation District.
   (F)   Minimum standards. All uses shall be conducted in a manner that supports the preservation of the natural or historic features of the site. No permitted activity shall degrade the resource(s) which is intended to be protected by the Conservation District.
   (G)   Parking regulations. See §§ 153.070 through 153.073 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2021-153, passed - -)