(A)   Where a zoning district boundary follows an alley, street, railroad, or stream or body of water, the centerline of such feature is the boundary of the district.
   (B)   Where a zoning district boundary approximately follows a lot or property line, the line is the boundary of the district.
   (C)   Where a zoning district boundary does not clearly follow any of the features indicated in division (A) and (B) above, the exact location on the ground shall be determined by measurement in accordance with the map scale. Questions concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
   (D)   Where a lot is divided into two or more districts, the entire area may be used in conformity with, and subject to the regulations established for the district in which one half or more of the area of the new parcel is located.
(Prior Code, § 153.15) (Ord. 920.2, passed 10-30-1980; Ord. 2021-153, passed - -)