(A)   No person shall own, possess, keep, maintain, harbor, or have the care of any horse, pony, cattle, livestock, sheep, goat, or other farm animal, except as excluded herein, within the city unless the area is designated as agriculture as specified in the zoning regulations or any lot of two acres of more.
   (B)   It shall be a violation of this chapter to ride any horse, pony, or other livestock upon public sidewalk within the city limits.
   (C)   Exceptions pertaining to poultry. Keeping poultry may be permitted subject to the following restrictions, prohibitions, and conditions:
      (1)   Poultry shall be kept or housed outside of a habitable structure in a chicken/duck enclosure (pen, run, and the like) that must include a covered coop structure.
      (2)   An enclosure shall provide a minimum of four square feet per animal up to a maximum size of 50 feet by 50 feet with the coop contained within the enclosure.
      (3)   Food storage shall be kept in airtight, predator and rodent proof and weatherproof containers.
      (4)   Roosters shall not be kept, maintained, or harbored and no permit shall be issued for same.
      (5)   There shall be a permit fee of $15, renewable and paid each year by the applicant. There will be a maximum of ten poultry allowed. As part of the permit process and at time of application, the applicant shall provide a site drawing showing the location of the proposed coop in relation to the applicant’s real property line boundaries. Final permit approval shall be subject to inspection by the code enforcement officer of the city.
      (6)   Any permit issued shall not be assignable or assumable to any other party. A permit shall expire upon the sale or other transfer of the property or if the permit holder ceases to reside at the property for which the permit was granted.
      (7)   The coop/enclosure shall be well maintained and regularly cleaned to control dust, odor, and waste in order to keep from being a nuisance, safety hazard or health problem to surrounding properties. As part of proper maintenance, the permit holder must remove any poultry waste on a regular basis, at least biweekly, and dispose of it in a proper manner. Waste includes excrement, uneaten feed, feathers, or other waste items. If the enclosure and coop are not maintained as provided for herein and results in the occurrence of a nuisance, the code enforcement officer designee of the city may treat the nuisance as any other nuisance pursuant to existing regulation or ordinance regardless of the existence of a valid permit. In the event a permit is invalidated or terminated as result of a violation of this section, there shall be no refund of fees paid by the permit owner.
      (8)   Any permit may be revoked upon finding of any violation by any person of any provisions contained herein. Any complainant to the city of a potential violation of this section shall make his or her complaint in writing specifically detailing said complaint and sign his or her signature to same.
(Prior Code, § 90.05) (Ord. 840.101, passed 3-10-1986; Ord. 2011.11- 01, passed 9-19-2012; Ord. 2023.08.02, passed 8-21-2023) Penalty, see §  90.99