The license sticker required by this subchapter shall be in the form of a sticker which the licensee shall permanently display (until its date of expiration) upon the vehicle at all times on the lower portion of the windshield on the passenger side. If the sticker is inadvertently lost or destroyed, a replacement sticker will be provided at a cost to the owner of $1. Motorcycle owners must have sticker or sticker receipt in their possession if cycle does not have a windshield.
(Prior Code, § 70.38) (Ord. 520.2, passed - -; Ord. 94. 3-1, passed 3-28-1994)
In the event a vehicle is traded or sold, the license sticker must be removed from the windshield of that vehicle and presented at City Hall along with the original receipt in order to obtain a replacement sticker, said replacement sticker to be at a cost to the owner of $1.
(Prior Code, § 70.39)
(A) Whoever violates any provision of this Traffic Code where no other penalty is specifically provided shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each occurrence, not to exceed $500.
(B) Vehicle license stickers required under §§ 70.35 through 70.40 which are not purchased by July 1 shall be deemed delinquent. Such delinquent stickers purchased after June 30 shall have a penalty of $5 imposed and added to the purchase price at the time the delinquent sticker is purchased. If a citation is issued for nonpurchase of the sticker, the fine imposed shall be in addition to the penalty and purchase price.
(Prior Code, § 70.99) (Ord. 520.2, passed - -; Ord. passed 4-11-1983; Ord. 2021.05.02, passed 5-17-2021)