(A)   As set forth in KRS Chapter 67C, to be eligible to be Chief of Police or a member of the Police Department of the city, a person must be at least 21 years of age, able to read and write the English language intelligibly, and be of sober and good moral character. No person who has been convicted of a felony should be eligible for appointment. Any Police Chief appointed or employed after July 14, 1992, shall be a high school graduate or have received a General Equivalency Diploma (GED).
(KRS 95.951)
   (B)   Every member of the police force shall take an oath to faithfully perform the duties of his or her office, and that possesses the required qualifications.
(KRS Chapters 95 and 95A)
(Prior Code, § 35.02) (Ord. 320.1, passed - -)
Statutory reference:
   Qualifications for police officers, see KRS 95.951