(A)   The Town Council desires to define and specify the Office of Building Inspector, as well as delineate areas of responsibility, and in the administration of the town, including enforcement of zoning rules and building codes, it is in the best interest of the town to establish a single person for such enforcement. The Building Inspector shall be appointed by the President of the Town Council and shall have the approval of the majority of the Town Council.
   (B)   The Building Inspector named shall have the responsibility for the enforcement of building codes and regulations as set forth in town ordinances, including state statutes incorporated therein, and that the said Building Inspector shall further have responsibility for enforcement and recommendations in matters concerning zoning variances. The individual so named may be an employee for the town and have other responsibilities not related to building inspection, if such an allocation of time and resources is found to be advantageous to the town.
(Prior Code, § 7-52) (Ord. 1995-6, passed 11-27-1995)
   Duties of Building Inspector, see § 32.01