(A)   Water use measured on a town provided hose bib meter shall be multiplied by the sewer rate shown in division (B) below and shall be credited to the sewer bill of the customer in accordance with the procedure outlined in division (B) below.
   (B)   (1)   Cost of hose bib meter. A hose bib may be either purchased or rented. If a hose bib is rented a deposit must be made prior to receiving the hose bib meter. The purchase cost, rental rate, and deposit amount are as follows:
         (a)   Purchase cost of a hose bib meter (five-eights of an inch): $123.49;
         (b)   Rental cost of a hose bib meter (five-eights of an inch): $1 per 24-hour period; or
         (c)   Meter deposit (five-eights of an inch): $50.
      (2)   Credit for hose bib meter water usage. Credit on sewer bill for hose bib meter usage: $8.70 per 1,000 gallons.
      (3)   Hose bib meter credit procedure.
         (a)   Customer must obtain a hose bib meter from the town. No credit will be applied for meters obtained from sources other than the town.
         (b)   Customer must present the hose meter to the Clerk-Treasurer or the Billing Clerk for reading.
         (c)   The calculated meter credit will be applied to the customer’s next sewer bill.
         (d)   No credit will be given for more than the volumetric usage on the sewer bill. Any excess credit will be applied to the volumetric charge of future sewer bills.
         (e)   Credits will only be applied to the bill of the customer owning or renting the meter.
         (f)   No cash credits will be given.
         (g)   All meter rental charges must be paid prior to receiving a meter sewer credit.
         (h)   Rental meter customers are solely responsible for using the meter properly, preventing the meter from being damaged, and returning the meter in good condition.
         (i)   Any damage to the rental meter must be paid for prior to receiving the sewer credit.
         (j)   The deposit is an estimated amount of possible damage to the rental meter. The actual cost of repair or replacement of the rental meter could be greater than the deposit. No credit will be given while an amount for meter repair or replacement (due to meter damage or meter loss) is outstanding.
         (k)   No credit will be given for improperly functioning meters, regardless of the cause.
         (l)   Meter tampering or manipulating the meter to register more than the volume of water running through the meter will result in either or all of the following: disallowance of the credit; loss of meter credit privileges in the future; and/or criminal prosecution.
         (m)   1.   Rental meters are limited in supply and rented on a first come, first serve basis.
            2.   The town has no responsibility or obligation to customers who are unable to rent a hose bib meter due to all meters already being rented.
         (n)   Maximum meter rental period is seven days. Customers who do not return the rental meters within this time period risk losing meter rental privileges in the future.
         (o)   In the event of future sewer rate increases, all hose bib meter usage must be read and credited prior to new sewer rates becoming effective.
(Ord. 2014-19, passed 7-8-2014)