(A)   Meter read date.
      (1)   Meters are generally read between the first and fifth of each month by utility technicians.
      (2)   In the event that a meter reading cannot be obtained, the consumption will be estimated by using the average of the previous three months.
   (B)   Billing period.
      (1)   Monthly billings shall be mailed within an average of 30 calendar days following the dates of service in which the municipal utility service is provided.
      (2)   The date the bill is created shall be known as the billing date.
      (3)   The bill shall be due and payable in full by the twenty-fifth of the month following the billing date.
      (4)   The twenty-fifth day of each month following the billing date shall be known as the due date.
      (5)   If the due date falls on a holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, the due date shall be on the first business day following the holiday or weekend.
   (C)   Delinquent date.
      (1)   For each month the bill is not paid in full by the due date, a penalty will be added to the account.
      (2)   Penalty charges are 10% of the first $3, 3% of balance, and 10% of wastewater charge. Late fee deferrals are available for customers on SSI or disability.
(Ord. 2016-18, passed 11-17-2016)