(A)   Principal uses.
      (1)   The following sexually oriented businesses, as further defined in § 156.007, shall be permitted in accordance with Table A in § 156.215, the specific limitations of this section and local licensing requirements:
         (a)   Adult media stores;
         (b)   Adult cabarets;
         (c)   Adult entertainment facilities;
         (d)   Adult motels;
         (e)   Adult motion picture theaters;
         (f)   Adult theaters;
         (g)   Escort agencies;
         (h)   Lingerie modeling studio;
         (i)   Nude modeling studios;
         (j)   Sexual encounter centers; and
         (k)   Sex shops.
      (2)   Any sexually oriented business not clearly defined by this chapter shall require a special exception from the Board of Zoning Appeals prior to location in a district which permits a sexually oriented business.
   (B)   Accessory uses. No use defined in this chapter as a sexually oriented business shall be considered an accessory use to any other use, whether or not the principal use is a sexually oriented business.
   (C)   Prohibited uses. The following sexually oriented businesses shall not be permitted within any district in the town:
      (1)   Adult arcades;
      (2)   Video viewing booths; and
      (3)   Sex-oriented massage establishments.
(Ord. 2014-26, passed 9- -2014) Penalty, see § 156.999