(a)   Plant Sizes. The minimum size of all landscape materials shall comply with the following at the time of planting:
Table 3: Plant Material Requirements
Plant Type
Minimum Size at Installation
Canopy tree
2.5 inch caliper
Ornamental tree
2.5 inch caliper
Evergreen tree
8 feet in height
30 inches in height
   (b)   Variety of Plant Species. The overall landscape plan shall not contain more than 33% of any one plant species. All plant material shall be nursery grown in a northern climate and hardy to the climate of Michigan. Plant materials shall be appropriate to the soil, climate, and environmental conditions of the area.
   (c)   The following trees are prohibited:
   (1)   Box Elder.
   (2)   Soft maples.
   (3)   Elm.
   (4)   Poplars.
   (5)   Willows.
   (6)   Horse chestnut (nut-bearing).
   (7)   Tree of heaven.
   (8)   Catalpa.
   (d)   Installation and Maintenance. All landscaping required shall be planted before obtaining a final certificate of occupancy. If the development is not completed within a growing season, a temporary certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a one-year period and a bond posted of sufficient amount to ensure the compliance with the approved landscaped greenbelt. All landscaping elements shall be planted, and earthmoving or grading performed according to accepted planting and grading procedures. Landscaping required by this section shall be maintained in a strong and healthy condition. All diseased or dead plant material shall be replaced within 30 days or the next appropriate planting period, whichever comes first. Tree stakes, wires, and wraps are to be removed after one year.
   (e)   All landscaped areas shall be provided with an automatic irrigation system or have a readily available water supply within 100 feet of all plant material.
(Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)