Landscaping for parking lot and loading areas have the following requirements:
   (a)   Interior Landscaping. Interior landscaping shall be provided within the boundaries of the parking lot unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission or Township Board. If interior landscaping is provided along the perimeter of the parking lot, it shall be in addition to the perimeter landscaping requirements.
      (1)   All parking lots shall be landscaped with canopy tree per 3,200 square feet of pavement.
      (2)   Interior landscape islands shall have a minimum area of 150 square feet. Each landscape island shall a minimum of one canopy tree.
   (b)   Perimeter Landscaping and Screening. Perimeter landscaping shall be provided along the edge of any parking lot facing and located within 100 feet of a public right-of-way. The Planning Commission or Township Board may waive this requirement if the parking lot will be sufficiently screened from view by buildings or improvements on the site. Parking lot perimeter landscaping shall comply with the following standards:
      (1)   Perimeter parking lot landscaping shall include a minimum of one deciduous tree and one ornamental tree per every 40 lineal feet.
      (2)   Where a parking lot or loading area for a nonresidential uses abuts a residential use or district, a minimum four foot eight inch tall wall shall be provided between the parking lot and residential lot. Walls shall be constructed of brick or other masonry material compatible with the front façade of the principal building. The Township may approve a six-foot high vinyl privacy fence where it is more compatible with adjacent residential uses.
   (c)   Curbing Required. All landscaping and perimeter screening shall be protected from vehicle encroachment with concrete curbing or similar methods.
   (d)   Snow Storage Area. Adequate snow storage area shall be provided within the site. Plant materials in snow storage areas shall be hardy, salt-tolerant groundcovers with low-maintenance characteristics.
(Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)