(a)   The following approval procedures shall apply to the PUD District:
      (1)   The PUD District approval involves two phases. The preliminary phase involves a review of the conceptual PUD District to determine its suitability for inclusion in the land use and zoning plans of the Township and adoption by the Township as part of the Zoning Code. The final phase shall require detailed site plans for any part of the conceptual PUD Plan prior to the issuance of building permits. The two phases may be combined and considered for approval as a preliminary and final PUD Plan.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may hold an informational meeting where the petitioner presents the proposed PUD Plan. The Planning Commission shall provide the petitioner with its comments within 30 days after holding such a meeting. Notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board of Trustees. No fees shall be charged for said informational meeting.
      (3)   Petitioner shall submit to the Director of Planning and Community Development sufficient copies of the PUD Plans with review fees following such informational meeting. Copies of plans as submitted shall be distributed to appropriate Township agencies for review and comment to determine the impact of the proposed PUD District upon Township services and surrounding properties and to determine if any additions to or extensions of facilities are necessary for the project.
      (4)   The Director of Planning and Community Development shall notify the petitioner of questions raised by Township agencies during said review submitting like information to the Planning Commission for its consideration along with a report evaluating the planning aspects of the project and its impact on the present and future development of the Township.
      (5)   The Planning Commission shall, after holding a public hearing or hearings on the proposed PUD Plan and reviewing reports, make its recommendation to the Township Board upon such plan within 60 days of its date of filing, unless an agreement to extend by petitioner occurs in writing. The Planning Commission may extend this time period for a period not to exceed 30 days each if such extension is necessary for adequate review as a result of materials being considered incomplete by the Director of Planning and Community Development or the Planning Commission. Public hearing notice shall be furnished in the same manner as for rezoning and special land use, including publication in a newspaper of general circulation and notice by mail or personal delivery to owners of property for which approval is considered and to all persons to whom real property is assessed within 300 feet of the property and occupants of all structures within 300 feet of the property.
      (6)   If the preliminary phase or final phase of the PUD Plan is rejected by the Planning Commission, reasons for such rejection shall be specified in writing and approved by the Planning Commission.
      (7)   The Planning Commission's recommendations and reports shall be submitted to the Township Board for its consideration. The Township Board shall, after allowing public comment on the preliminary phase and final phase PUD Plan, take final action on said plan and petition within 90 days from the date they receive a report from the Planning Commission or such reasonable extension of time as determined necessary for adequate review by the Township Board as a result of incomplete information being submitted, modifications proposed or delay in the submittal of additional information for consideration.
      (8)   Any conditions of approval required by the Township Board shall be satisfied by petitioner, owner, or other parties submitting the application prior to subsequent final phase site plan approval and prior to the issuance of any building permits and the commencement of any work on the subject property. The Township Clerk and Department of Planning and Community Development each shall keep a special record of all approved PUD Plans and approved conditions.
      (9)   Approval of the preliminary phase PUD Plan by the Township Board shall rezone the property to a "PUD" zoning classification for uses as shown on the PUD Plan and shall confer upon the owner the right to proceed through the subsequent planning phase in accordance with regulations and ordinances in effect at the time of the Township Board's approval for a period not to exceed 18 months from the date of approval, unless subsequent regulations or ordinances are specifically made applicable to developments which have been so approved. If final phase PUD Plans have not been submitted for approval before the termination of the aforesaid 18 month period, subsequent site planning must conform to the regulations, ordinances and laws in effect at the time such site plan is submitted upon request of the petitioner. The Township Board may extend the approval for a maximum of an additional 18 months. Any such extension shall be granted only if existing site conditions have not substantially changed, and provided further that there are no revisions to the PUD Plan. If, after the 18 month extension a building permit has still not been issued, the petitioner must resubmit the PUD Plan for normal review as provided herein.
      (10)   An approved PUD District runs with the land, not with the owner. If the land is sold or otherwise exchanged, the approved PUD District shall remain in effect, unless a petitioner submits and is granted a request to amend or terminate the PUD District.
(Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)