(a)   These standards are applicable to all new commercial and industrial development and substantial building expansions or alterations (results in expanding a building in excess of 125% of the existing Gross Floor Area), or major changes in use that increases the intensity of the use (i.e. results in more traffic, parking, noise, and other external impacts) along M-97/Groesbeck Highway in Clinton Township (see Figure 1).
   (b)   All requirements of the Zoning Code shall apply, except as modified by this Section. When applying the regulations of this Overlay, if regulations elsewhere within the Zoning Code conflict or appear to conflict with the regulations in this Overlay, the regulations of this Overlay shall apply.
   (c)   Groesbeck Highway, or M-97, is under jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of Transportation. The land uses of parcels along the corridor in Clinton Township are under jurisdiction of the Township. While most of the standards apply to the area outside of the Groesbeck Highway right-of-way, some of the features, such as sidewalks and street trees, may be within those areas that require a permit from Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). In such cases, coordination with the Township and MDOT is necessary.
   Figure 1: Groesbeck Highway /M-97 Overlay District Applicability Map
(Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)