(a)   The purpose of this section is to establish design standards for new development, significant redevelopment, or changes to a more intense use or expansion for commercially and industrially zoned properties along Groesbeck/M-97 Highway in Clinton Township.
   (b)   Groesbeck Highway has been targeted by the Township as a reinvestment opportunity to help bring cohesiveness, economic development, aesthetic value, and pedestrian-friendly design to the corridor that is consistent with the Township Master Plan's goals.
   (c)   The standards herein are based on the Design Guidelines and have some level of flexibility to respond to opportunities and adjust to the scale and location of the development. Refer to the M-97/Groesbeck Highway Design Guidelines for representative illustrations of the standards. The Design Guidelines ensure that the standards meet the intent of this Overlay District regarding landscaping, screening and buffering, access and circulation, building scale/placement, parking placement, building design and materials, signage, and lighting.
   The goals of this overlay district include the following:
      (1)   Provide for functional and attractive new development/redevelopment of a site.
      (2)   Encourage reinvestment in vacant and underutilized properties.
      (3)   Enhance the public realm and pedestrian experience through aesthetic improvements.
      (4)   Provide a transparent and consistent framework for decision-making.
(Ord. Passed 10-30-23.)