(a)   The following guidelines are provided for the preparation of record construction plans acceptable to the Clinton Township Department of Public Services. These guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive nor to replace sound engineering judgment in providing the necessary information to adequately describe the development.
   (b)   Field survey for record drawings is to be done after all grading, paving, and utility construction is completed. The survey shall include, but is not limited to, the following items:
      (1)   Utilities. Elevations of inverts and structure covers, hydrants, and shut-offs for all underground utilities (water, sanitary and storm), along with actual pipe lengths and types of materials, shall be obtained and noted on plans. The location of edge drains or other underground facilities not included above shall be noted on plans. All structures at ground level which are not in the road pavement shall be tied in an acceptable fashion to property corners or other suitable witnesses.
      (2)   Grading. Perimeter lot grades and additional grades at appropriate intervals to detail the flow of drainage and the character of finished grading work (berms, swales, etc.) shall be noted on plans. Sufficient information should be provided to describe detention/retention areas or ponds and noted on plans. Permanent pond elevations and/or detention-storage elevations are to be provided.
      (3)   Paving. Finished pavement cross-section grades shall be obtained at 100-foot intervals, or where there is a significant break in the road profile grade. Low points (sags) and crests in a road profile are to be identified. Cross-sections at existing adjoining streets are also required.
      (4)   Monuments and irons. Identify all irons and monuments, indicate materials used (i.e. one-half inch rerod) and certify on mylars by a registered land surveyor that all irons and monuments are in place.
      (5)   Sidewalks. Elevations of sidewalks and pathways along major roads shall be obtained at intervals not to exceed 50 feet in length and shall be obtained where there is apparent breaks in grade and/or intersections with driveways or side streets. Two elevations shall be taken at each interval to determine the crown of the pathway.
   (c)   The above information is to be neatly described on the original construction plan drawings by crossing out the design information and printing the survey information adjacent to it. Both plan and profile sheets are to be done in this fashion. On profile sheets, it is not necessary to redraw the storm sewer or sanitary sewer, but slope, inverts, lengths, etc., shall be indicated in the fashion described. All plans shall indicate the as-built date and the initials of the person producing the documents. Final plans shall be submitted on hard copy and an acceptable digital format for GIS updating.
   (d)   Submit two sets of prints of record drawings, computer-aided drafting (CAD), and portable document format (PDF) files; these will need to be submitted to the Department of Public Services.
   (e)   The Department of Public Services will review record drawings for final approval. They will also determine if additional information is needed on record drawings submittals.
   (f)   Timely submittal of final record drawings is necessary for project completion. No final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued until record drawings are approved by the Department of Public Services.
(Ord. 481. Passed 10-24-22.)