It shall be unlawful to own, maintain, keep or harbor any dog four months old or older that has not been vaccinated against rabies, except for as follows:
(a) In the event a dog is allergic to the rabies vaccination, the owner of such dog shall apply for and obtain a permit to be issued by the Township Clerk for such dog and the dog, its address and owner shall be listed on a register maintained by the Township Clerk. A written statement signed by a licensed veterinarian affirming that the dog is allergic to the vaccination shot and that the vaccination will have adverse health impact on the dog, shall be presented.
(Ord. 409. Passed 12-15-14.)
(a) Permit Required. A permit shall be required to keep chickens on premises zoned residential or used for residential purposes which are less than five acres. No permit shall be issued to a person and no chickens shall be allowed to be kept unless the owners of all residentially zoned adjacent properties as defined below, consent in writing, to the permit and this consent is presented along with an application for a permit. Written statements waiving the distance requirement, set forth below shall also be submitted at the time of application and become part of the permit if issued. Application shall be made to the Building Department and the fee for the permit shall be as determined by resolution of the Township Board.
(1) The Building Department shall act upon all permits within 21 business days of application. Permit denials, other than for lack of adjoining property consent, shall be subject to appeal to the Township Board, which shall act within 21 days of any such appeal. Appeals must be filed in writing with the Township Clerk within ten days of any decision by the Building Department.
(2) A property owner, who is unable to obtain the consent of all residentially zoned adjacent properties, shall be permitted to appeal within 14 days of a failure to obtain such consent to the Charter Township of Clinton Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall set a hearing within 45 days, and provide notice to adjoining property owners from whom consent was not obtained by first class mail advising of the hearing date. At the hearing date, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall act upon the appeal, unless information necessary to make a determination is not available and complete. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider the coop location, including distances from neighboring property and structures occupied and unoccupied, the dimensions and characteristics of the coop, the number and nature of hens to be maintained, as well as all relevant evidence, in order to determine whether there is a reasonable likelihood of a lack of harmony, noise or odor disturbance, vermin harborage, or the creation of conditions injurious to the peaceful and quiet enjoyment of surrounding property owners' property.
(3) Permits expire three years after the date of issuance. A person who wishes to continue keeping chickens shall obtain a new permit on, or before the expiration date. Application for a permit renewal shall be filed at least 30 days prior to permit expiration. Permits shall not be subject to renewal if three or more complaints have been verified by the Building Department, establishing a violation of this section, or any other Township ordinance, or a nuisance type condition has occurred within the duration of the license.
(b) Private Restrictions Enforceable. Notwithstanding the issuance of any permit by the Township, private restrictions on the use of property shall remain enforceable and
take precedence over a permit. Private restrictions include, but are not limited to deed restrictions, condominium master deed restrictions, neighborhood association by-laws, and deed covenants. A permit issued to a person whose property is subject to private restrictions that prohibit the keeping of chickens is void. The interpretation and enforcement of the private restriction is the sole responsibility of the private parties involved.
(c) General Requirements. A person who keeps or houses chickens shall comply with all of the following requirements:
(1) Have been issued a valid permit.
(2) Keep no more than four hens and no hens which make any calling sound disturbing to surrounding property owners.
(3) The principal use of the person's property is for a single family dwelling, or a two family dwelling.
(4) No person shall keep any rooster.
(5) No person shall slaughter any chickens, or sell any eggs.
(6) The chickens shall be provided with a covered enclosure capable of supporting wind and snow loads. The enclosure shall not exceed a height of six feet, and the chickens must be kept in the enclosure. The coop and enclosure area shall be considered an accessory structure under this code.
(7) The enclosure shall be no larger than 100 square feet and made of material to make it inaccessible to predators, rats and other rodents.
(8) The coop must be located within the enclosure and be a minimum of 18 inches above grade to prevent rodent harborage.
(9) Persons shall not keep chickens in any location on the property other than in the backyard, meaning the portion of the lot enclosed by the properties rear lot line and the side lot lines to the point where the side lot lines intersect with an imaginary line established by the rear of a single family, or two family structure and extending to the side lot lines.
(10) No chicken enclosure shall be situated closer than ten feet to any property line of any adjacent property.
(11) All enclosures shall be constructed or repaired, as to prevent rats, mice, other rodents and predators from being harbored underneath, within, or gaining access within the enclosure. No covered enclosure under any circumstances shall be located closer than 60 feet to any occupied residential structure on adjacent property, however, this requirement can be waived as follows:
A. The principal use of the applicant's property is for a single-family dwelling, to obtain such a waiver the applicant shall present at the time of applying for a permit, a written statement of all adjacent land owners that there is no objection to the issuance of the permit.
B. The principal use of the applicant's property is for a two-family dwelling, to obtain such a waiver, the applicant shall present at the time of applying for a permit, the written statements of all adjacent land owners and of the occupants of the other dwelling, stating that there is no objection to the issuance of the permit.
(12) Adjacent property means all parcels of property that the applicant's property comes into contact with at one or more points, except for parcels that are legally adjacent to, but are in fact separated from applicant's property by a public or private street.
(13) All feed and other items associated with keeping of chickens that are likely to attract, or become infested, or infected by rodents, or other animals shall be protected to prevent infestation.
(14) Three or more verified complaints, as established by the Building Department, whether charged or not charged as an offense, which are violations of any Township ordinance, including this section, or involving nuisance type conditions, shall subject the permit holder to revocation proceedings before the Building Director with the same appeal process as a permit denial.
(15) If any of the foregoing requirements are not complied with, within seven days of notice from the Township (unless emergency circumstances exist, and then it may become immediate), the Township may revoke any permit and/or initiate prosecution for a misdemeanor violation. Permit revocation is subject to appeal in the same manner as a denial.
(d) Any violation shall be a separate offense and shall be a misdemeanor subject to penalties for a misdemeanor as prescribed by this Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 457. Passed 7-15-19.)
(a) Title. These guidelines will be identified and cited as the Animal Control Best Practices Ordinance.
(b) Limitation. Best practices shall not be construed to apply to any city or township that has adopted an animal control ordinance pursuant to M.C.L.A. 287.290.
(c) Authority. The authority for these guidelines is found in 1978 Public Act 368, part 24 (M.C.L.A. 333.2435 - 333.2441).
(d) Agents. Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon, the Director, the power may be exercised, or the duty performed, by an agent authorized by the Director to exercise such power, or to perform such duty unless these best practices expressly provide otherwise.
(e) Guidelines. The Director may establish guidelines and policies concerning the interpretation of these best practices.
(f) Severability. The various sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of these best practices are declared severable. If a court of competent jurisdiction adjudges any section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase unconstitutional or invalid, the remainder of these best practices shall not be affected.
(g) Words and Phrases. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural number include the singular number. The word "shall" is always mandatory, and not merely directory. Words and terms not defined in these best practices shall be interpreted in the manner of their common usage.
(h) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) "Abandon" means to desert, forsake, or give up an animal without having secured another owner or custodian for the animal or having transferred the animal to the Animal Care and Control Agency or Animal Protection Shelter.
(2) "Adequate care" as defined in M.C.L.A. 750.50 shall mean the provision of sufficient food, water, shelter, sanitary conditions, exercise, and veterinary medical attention in order to maintain an animal in a state of good health. To the extent of responsible practice of animal husbandry, handling, confinement, protection, transportation, treatment, and, when necessary, euthanasia, appropriate for the age, species, condition, size, and type of the animal, and the provision of veterinary care when needed to prevent suffering, impairment of health, or the treatment of illness or injury.
(3) "Adequate shelter" means the provision of and access to shelter that is suitable for the species, age, condition, size, and type of each animal; provides adequate space for each animal; is safe and protects each animal from injury, rain, sleet, snow, hail, direct sunlight, the adverse effects of heat or cold, physical suffering, and impairment of health; is properly lighted; is properly cleaned; enables each animal to be clean and dry, except when detrimental to the species; during hot weather, is properly shaded and does not readily conduct heat; during cold weather, has a windbreak at its entrance and provides a quantity of bedding material consisting of straw, wood shavings, or the equivalent that is sufficient to protect the animal from cold and promote the retention of body heat; and, for dogs and cats, provides a solid surface, resting platform, pad, floor mat, or similar device that is large enough for the animal to lie on in a normal manner and can be maintained in a sanitary manner. Shelters whose wire, grid, or slat floors permit the animals' feet to pass through the openings, sag under the animals' weight, or otherwise do not protect the animals' feet or toes from injury, are not adequate shelter.
(4) "Animal''' means any living vertebrate creature, wild or domestic, except humans.
(5) "Animal breeder" means any firm, person, or corporation which is engaged in the operation of breeding and raising animals for the purpose of selling, trading, bartering, giving away, or otherwise transferring same.
(6) "Animal Control Officer" means any employee who is certified by the Michigan Department of Agriculture to perform animal control duties who is under the direction of the Director.
(7) "Animal Control Shelter" means a facility operated by a municipality for the impoundment and care of animals that are found in the streets or at large, animals that are otherwise held due to violations of a municipal ordinance or state law, or animals that are surrendered to the animal control shelter.
(8) "Animal Protection Shelter" means a facility operated by a person, humane society, a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or another nonprofit organization for the care of homeless animals.
(9) "Animal Shelter" means the animal kenneling facility used by Macomb County to house stray or unwanted animals.
(10) "At large" means the condition wherein an animal is off the premises of its owner and is not under secure restraint by a substantial leash, not to exceed six (6) feet in length, or is not otherwise under the charge and control of a person competent to keep such animal under effective charge and control.
(11) "Cat" means an animal of the Felidae family or the order Carnivora.
(12) "Certificate of Origin" means a document declaring the source of the animal sold or transferred by the retail seller. The certificate shall include the name and premise address of the source of the animal.
(13) "Certificate of Veterinary Inspection" means an official document issued by an USDA-accredited veterinarian certifying that the animal(s) identified on the document have been inspected and were found to satisfy federal and state requirements for moving animals from one state to another.
(14) "Community Cat" means any free roaming cat that may be cared for by one or more residents of the immediate area who is/are known or unknown; a community cat may or may not be feral. Community cats may be distinguished from other cats by being sterilized, ear tipped and vaccinated for rabies. A community cat may also be defined as a cat 'found' outside that is brought to the animal shelter and not yet sterilized, ear tipped or vaccinated for rabies.
(15) "Community Cat Caregiver" means a person who provides care, including food, shelter or medical care to a community cat and is actively involved in Macomb County Animal Control's Trap-Neuter-Return program, while not being considered the owner, custodian, harborer, controller, or keeper of a community cat, or who has care or charge of a community cat.
(16) "Dangerous Animal" means an animal whose behavior is dangerous. Dangerous behavior shall include, but not be limited to: biting or otherwise causing serious injury to a person or other animal on public or private property where the injured person or other animal is legally entitled to be, including the property of the animal's owner or custodian. An animal that is intentionally trained or conditioned to fight or guard, except for animals trained for law enforcement or service purposes while engaged in the activities for which they were trained, shall be considered a dangerous animal.
(17) "Department" means the Macomb County Animal Control Division.
18) "Director/Chief Animal Control Deputy" means the Director or Chief Animal Control Deputy of the Macomb County Animal Control Division, and his/her designee.
(19) "Dog" means an animal of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora.
(20) "Dog License" means the registration of a rabies vaccinated dog that is four (4) or more months old, residing within Macomb County, as mandated by the Michigan State Law M.C.L.A. 287.
(21) "Dog Kennel" means any establishment that keeps, harbors or boards more than the municipal limit whether for breeding, sale, animal rescue/protection or sporting purposes.
(22) "Domesticated Animal" means any animal which is accustomed to living in an environment managed by humans and is suitable for the purpose of human companionship or service.
(23) "Ear-tipping" means the removal of the ¼ inch tip of a community cat's left ear, performed while the cat is under anesthesia, in compliance with any applicable federal or state law, and under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, designed to be the universal identification that the community cat is sterilized and lawfully vaccinated for rabies at least once.
(24) "Exhibitor" means any person (public or private) that displays animals to the public or conduct performances featuring animals.
(25) "Existing Pet Store" means any pet store or pet store operator that displayed, sold, delivered, offered for sale, offered for adoption, bartered, auctioned, gave away, or otherwise transferred live animals in the Charter Township of Clinton on the effective date of this section and complied with all applicable provision of the Code of Ordinances, Charter Township of Clinton.
(26) "Exotic Animal" means and includes any wild mammal, reptile or fowl which is not naturally tame or gentle, but is of a wild nature or disposition, and which, because of its size, vicious nature or other characteristics, would constitute a danger to human life or property. Dangerous or exotic animals include, but are not limited to:
A. Reptiles, insects, or arachnids which are venomous and which are not indigenous to Macomb County; or any reptile not indigenous to Macomb County which weighs forty (40) pounds or more, whether venomous or not.
B. Non-human primate.
C. Animals covered under Michigan Wolf-Dog Cross Act as per M.C.L.A. 287.1001 - 287.1023.
D. Animals covered under Michigan Large Carnivore Act as per M.L.C.A. 287.1101 - 287.1123.
(27) "Ferret" means a domesticated animal of any age of the species Mustela furo.
(28) "Health Certificate" is a Pet Health Certificate that must be issued by a veterinarian and are valid for thirty (30) days from the date of examination. The health certificate must be signed by an accredited veterinarian after examining your pet and determining that it is free of infectious diseases.
(29) "Hobby Breeder" means any person, business, organization, or corporation that is registered with the Macomb County Animal Control Division and is in good standings, that does not meet the State (MDARD) requirements for the large-scale breeder and has less than fifteen (15) intact animals over the age of four (4) months, that breeds animals for sale, trade or giving away and whose primary source of income is not derived from the breeding and/or sale of animals.
(30) "Impound" means an animal confined, kept, and maintained by the Macomb County Animal Control Division.
(31) "Large Reptiles" are members of the class reptilian including, but not limited to, monitor lizards, alligators, pythons, boa constrictors, venomous reptiles and constrictor snakes that grow to more than seventy-two (72) inches long.
(32) "Livestock" means cattle, elk, reindeer, bison, horses, deer, sheep, goats, swine, poultry (including egg-production poultry), fowl, llamas, alpacas, live fish, crawfish, and any other animals that are part of a foundation herd (including producing dairy cattle) or offspring.
(33) "Long-lived Birds" means any bird whose life expectancy is expected to exceed twenty-five (25) years, including, but not limited to, cockatoos, macaws and amazons.
(34) "Neuter/Castration" means professional sterilization procedure performed by a veterinarian that renders a male animal incapable of reproducing.
(35) "Off-site Retail Sale" means the exchange of consideration for an animal, regardless of age of the animal at a location other than where the animal was bred.
(36) "Owner" means:
A. Every person having a right of property in an animal; and
B. An authorized agent of the person having a right of property in an animal; and
C. Every person who keeps or harbors an animal or has it in his or her care, custody or control; and
D. Every person who permits an animal to remain on or about the premises occupied by him or her; and
E. Every person who has the apparent authority to have a right of property in an animal; and
F. Any person having control or purporting to have control over an animal; and
G. The person named in the licensing records of any animal as the owner; and
H. The occupant of the premises where the animal is usually kept if such premises are other than the premises of the owner as shown on the licensing records; and
I. The parent or guardian of an owner under eighteen (18) years of age shall be deemed the owner as defined in this section. If an animal has more than one owner, all such persons are jointly and severally liable for the acts or omissions of an owner, even if the animal was in the possession of or under the control of a keeper at the time of the offense.
(37) "Person" means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, or any association of persons.
(38) "Pet Store" means a place where animals are sold or offered for sale, exchanged, or transferred.
(39) "Pet Store Operator" means a person who owns or operates a pet store, or both.
(40) "Rabbit" means a long-eared short-tailed lagomorph mammal with long hind legs of the Leporidae family.
(41) "Retail Sale" means an offer for sale, offer for adoption, barter, auction, give away, and display for commercial purposes or otherwise transfer any animal that is not bred on the premises.
(42) "Spay" means a professional sterilization procedure performed by a veterinarian that renders a female dog, cat or ferret incapable of reproducing.
(43) "Stray Animal" means any animal running loose on public or private property without restraint.
(44) "Tethering" means the restraint and confinement of an animal by use of a chain, rope or similar device.
(45) "Trap-Neuter-Return" means the process of humanely trapping, sterilizing, vaccinating for rabies, ear-tipping, and returning community cats to their original location.
(46) "Wild Animal" means any animal which is now or historically has been found in the wild, or in the wild state, within the boundaries of the United States, its territories, or possessions. This term includes, but is not limited to, animals such as: deer, skunk, opossum, raccoon, mink, armadillo, coyote, squirrel, fox, wolf, etc.
(Ord. 484. Passed 2-27-23.)