To further the goal of promoting and protecting public health, safety and welfare, the 2015 International Fire Code, previously adopted hereto, is subject to the following sections which are amended or added as set forth in the following paragraphs:
   (a)   107.2.2 Test and Inspection Reports. All test and inspection reports relating to the requirements of this “Code” shall be electronically submitted to the Fire Department within seven (7) days, through an electronic information data manager designated and approved by the Fire Department through the Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee to facilitate the collection and transmission of such reports. The reports shall be in a format designated by the Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee.
   (b) Service Provider Registration Required. Effective October 1, 2018, every service provider performing inspections, repairs, or tests within the Township and any entity that performs inspections within the Township shall register with, and be approved by the Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee prior to performing any tests or inspections within the Township. Failure to fully comply shall be punishable first by a written warning notice, with subsequent violations being a municipal civil infraction subject to punishment as set forth within the Code of Ordinances. The Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee shall select an electronic information data manager and shall advise each service provider and affected entities or properties, of the tests and inspections for which requirements of this subsection shall apply, such as, by way of illustration, fire alarm inspections, backflow inspections, fire pump tests, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and emergency lighting. The Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee may waive electronic reporting requirements of this subsection for cases involving extreme hardship beyond the reasonable control of the company or entity on whose behalf test or inspections is be performed upon the submittal of a written request prior to undertaking such testing or inspection.
   (c) Service Provider Qualification. Effective October 1 ,2018, any service provider furnishing fire inspection and/or testing within the Township shall register with and be approved by the Fire Chief or the Chief’s designee. A list of such providers shall be made available at no charge upon request within the Township. Tests and/or inspections conducted in violation of this subsection are deemed invalid for purposes of fire code compliance. Standards for service provider qualifications shall be promulgated by the Fire Department and are subject to periodic review and revisions and shall be available upon request from the Fire Department.
   (d) Installer Exception. Service providers installing new fire suppression or fire alarm systems shall not be required to register as service providers prior to performing such installations.
(Ord. 445. Passed 10-1-18.)