As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Area of a sign" means the entire area within a circle, triangle, parallelogram, or other geometric configuration, enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representation, emblem, or any figure or similar character, together with any frame or other material or color forming an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign from the background against which it is placed, excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which the sign is placed.
   (b)   "Awning sign" means a sign that is made of canvas, plastic or similar material, stretched over a frame and directly attached to a wall of a building. Awning signs shall not project more than sixty inches from the wall or more than twelve inches above the roof line.
   (c)   "Billboard sign" means a sign which advertises a commercial activity or service not conducted on the premises upon which the sign is placed.
      (1)   The maximum size of a billboard sign shall be 300 square feet in display area.
      (2)   The maximum height of a billboard sign shall be fifty feet.
      (3)   A billboard sign shall be permitted on land located within the 1-2 General Industrial District when such District abuts an interstate highway.
      (4)   A billboard sign shall not be located closer than 1,000 feet to any other billboard sign.
   (d)   "Changeable copy" means a portion of a business sign, not exceeding twenty square feet, which has characters, letters or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged either manually or electronically.
      (1)   Changeable copy signs shall contain messages consisting only of letters, numerals and other such characters and shall not contain animation, movement or the appearance of movement.
      (2)   The frequency of message change shall not be less than 1.5 seconds. Scrolling, flashing, blinking or other visual effects are prohibited.
      (3)   The luminosity or brightness of the copy shall be within reason and, further, shall not be adjusted to the most intense setting available and shall be reduced at dusk.
      (4)   Signs with changeable copy shall not be located closer than 300 feet to residentially-zoned property.
      (5)   If it is determined that the operation of the changeable copy sign constitutes a hazard, distraction or nuisance to motorists or to neighboring property owners, the Township will advise the owner of the sign with written notice.
   (e)   "Commercial sign" means an accessory sign related to the commercial activity or service conducted on the premises upon which the sign is placed.
      (1)   A commercial sign may be a lawn sign, pylon sign or wall sign.
         A.   "Lawn sign" means a free-standing sign supported by uprights, braces or some object on the ground and which is not attached to a building or structure.
            1.   The maximum size of a lawn sign shall be 120 square feet in display area for parcels abutting a road under jurisdiction of the State of Michigan Department of Highways and Transportation and shall be 100 square feet in display area for parcels abutting any other road.
            2.   The maximum height of a lawn sign shall be eight feet.
            3.   A lawn sign shall not be located closer than fifteen feet to any ingress or egress.
         B.   "Pylon sign" means a type of pole sign.
            1.   The maximum size of a pylon sign shall be 100 square feet in display area for parcels abutting a road under jurisdiction of the State of Michigan Department of Highways and Transportation and shall be eighty square feet in display area for parcels abutting any other road.
            2.   The maximum height of a pylon sign shall be eighteen feet for parcels abutting a road under jurisdiction of the State of Michigan Department of Highways and Transportation and shall be fifteen feet for parcels abutting any other road.
            3.   A pylon sign shall have minimum clearance of six feet from the bottom of the face of the sign to grade level.
            4.   A pylon sign shall be located not closer than fifty feet to a residentially zoned district.
            5.   A pylon sign shall be located not closer than fifteen feet to any ingress or egress.
         C.   "Wall sign" means a sign fastened to or painted on the wall area of a building, structure or canopy with the exposed face of the sign in a plane approximately parallel to the plane of the wall.
            1.   The maximum size allowed for a wall sign, awning sign or combination of the two, shall be determined by multiplying the linear width of the legally occupied tenant space or the building wall on which the sign is to be placed by two squarefeet, but shall not exceed 200 square feet in any case. An additional wall sign, utilizing the above computations, shall be allowed for any business occupying a unit with the exterior building walls fronting two major or secondary thoroughfares.
            2.   A wall sign shall not extend more than twelve inches beyond the surface of the building or structure wall on which it is placed.
            3.   A wall sign shall not extend more than twelve inches above the highest point used to measure the height of the building or twelve inches above the roofline at the point where the sign is attached, whichever is less.
      (2)   Any freestanding business which occupies its own separate parcel of land within the B-1, B-2, B-3 or B-4 Districts shall be permitted one wall sign and either one pylon sign or one lawn sign. An additional wall sign, and an additional pylon sign or lawn sign, shall be permitted if the parcel has 250 linear feet or greater of frontage on two major or secondary thoroughfares. For those parcels with frontage on only one major or secondary thoroughfare, an additional pylon sign or lawn sign shall be permitted if the parcel has a linear street frontage of 300 feet or more.
      (3)   Any parcel of land occupied by two or more businesses in the B-l, B-2, B-3 or B-4 Districts shall be regulated as follows:
         A.   One lawn sign or one pylon sign advertising the entire development shall be permitted.
         B.   One additional lawn sign or one additional pylon sign advertising the entire development shall be permitted when such development abuts two major or secondary thoroughfares.
         C.   Each business within the development shall be permitted one wall sign,
         D.   One additional wall sign shall be permitted for a business occupying a unit with exterior building walls fronting two major or secondary thoroughfares.
      (4)   Each business occupying 40,000 square feet or more within a development shall be permitted one pylon sign or one lawn sign.
      (5)   In the OS-1 and OS-2 Districts, one lawn sign and one wall sign not exceeding forty square feet per development is permitted.
      (6)   Any parcel of land occupied by two or more businesses in the 1-1, 1-2 or TR Districts shall be regulated as follows:
         A.   One lawn sign identifying the entire development shall be permitted.
         B.   One additional lawn sign identifying the entire development shall be permitted such development abuts two major or secondary thoroughfares.
         C.   Each business within the development having separate and direct access to the exterior of the building and not from an entrance in common with other businesses, shall be permitted one wall sign.
   (f)   "Directional sign" means a sign providing direction within any one development. Directional signs for the purpose of directing or orienting when established by the Township, County, State, or Government of the United States of America, as may be required for the purpose of directing or orienting are not limited in number or size.
   (g)   "Festoon sign" means a sign consisting of incandescent light bulbs, banners, pennants or other such features.
   (h)   "Flashing/moving sign" means a sign which intermittently reflects light either from an artificial source or from the sun, has movement or illumination, such as intermittent flashing, scintillating or varying intensity, or has any visible portion in intermittent or constant motion, either from artificial or natural sources. "Changeable copy" as defined in this chapter is not considered a flashing/moving sign.
   (i)   "Identification sign" means a sign that displays the name and/or address of a person or firm.
      (1)   The maximum size of an identification sign shall not exceed four square feet in display area.
      (2)   The maximum height of an identification sign shall not exceed eight feet.
   (j)   "Non-Commercial Sign" means a permanent sign which provides non-commercial information at all times.
      (1)   The maximum size of a non-commercial sign upon a parcel zoned non-residential or occupied by a non-residential use and with an approved occupancy for twenty persons or more, shall be eighty square feet in display area for any non-commercial sign or combination of signs.
      (2)   The maximum size of a non-commercial sign in an area zoned non-residential or occupied by a non-residential use where the maximum allowed occupancy upon a structure is less than twenty persons shall be eighteen square feet for any non-commercial sign or combination of signs.
      (3)   The maximum size for any non-commercial sign upon any areas zoned residential and occupied by a structure approved for occupancy by more than twenty persons shall be eighty square feet in display area for any non-commercial sign or combination of signs.
      (4)   The maximum size of any non-commercial sign in any residential zoned area or area used for residential purposes with an approved structure with an occupancy capacity less than twenty persons shall be eighteen feet for any sign or combination of signs.
   (k)   "Non-commercial temporary sign" means a sign carrying a non-commercial message which has no permanent footing or foundation.
      (1)   The maximum size of a non-commercial sign shall be thirty-two square feet of display area on any non-residentially zoned and residentially occupied parcel and sixteen square feet in any residentially zoned and residentially occupied parcel. Signs constituting up to twenty-four square feet in total for all signs, shall be permitted for any residentially owned or occupied parcel. Signs up to thirty-two square feet of display area per each fifty feet of frontage shall be permitted in total in non-residentially zoned and non-residentially occupied areas.
      (2)   Non-commercial temporary signs shall not be located in, project into or overhang any public right of way or be attached to any utility pole.
      (3)   Non-commercial temporary signs shall be constructed of durable materials and erected in a manner so as to avoid collapse from inadvertent contact or wind or other weather conditions. Construction materials and erection shall occur so that no dangerous surfaces result, including, but not limited to, protruding nails or sharp edges.
      (4)   Non-commercial temporary signs shall be placed so as to avoid obstructing the view of vehicular and pedestrian traffic areas and shall be located not less than twenty-five feet, measured perpendicular, from any public right of way, private street, driveway, parking lot or sidewalk.
   (l)   "Portable sign" means a sign which is not fastened to a building or structure or permanently to the ground.
   (m)   "Real estate development sign" means a freestanding grade-level sign informing when a subdivision or other real estate development will commence construction or when it will be available for sale, use or occupancy.
      (1)   A real estate development sign may be located on or off the premises proposed for development.
         A.   A permit for a real estate development sign, valid for twelve months, shall be secured from the Clinton Township Building Department.
         B.   Additional permits for a real estate development sign may be granted provided the development is active.
      (2)   A real estate development sign shall inform the public of developments located in and approved by the Township.
      (3)   A real estate development sign shall not be located in, project into or overhang any public right of way, driveway, sidewalk or bicycle path.
      (4)   A real estate development shall be limited to one on-site sign and two off-site signs.
      (5)   A real estate development sign shall be located only on property abutting a major or secondary thoroughfare havinga right-of-way width of at least eighty-six feet.
      (6)   The location of a real estate development sign shall not impede vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
      (7)   A real estate development sign shall not be fastened to a tree, utility pole, building or other structure and shall be securely fastened to the ground.
      (8)   The maximum size of a real estate development sign shall be eighty square feet in display area.
      (9)   The maximum height of a real estate development sign shall be fifteen feet.
      (10)   Upon submittal of an application for a permit for each real estate development sign, a cash deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) shall be made with the Township Treasurer.
      (11)   Failure to comply with any and all of the above regulations or failure to completely remove the real estate development sign after the permit has expired shall result in forfeiture of the cash deposit.
   (n)   "Real estate sign" means a sign which advertises the particular property upon which it is placed for sale, rent or lease.
   (o)   "Sign" means the display of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs or trademarks to make known an individual, firm, profession, business, product or message and which is visible to the general public.
   (p)   "Special event sign" means a sign which advertises a grand opening, special event or similar message.
      (1)   A permit for a special event sign shall be secured from the Building Department.
         A.   A permit for a special event sign shall be issued not more than two times within any twelve-month period.
         B.   A permit for a special event sign shall be issued for a period not to exceed seven consecutive days.
      (2)   A special event sign shall be located only on the premises of the property upon which the special event is conducted. In a circumstance where more than one parcel of land is involved, only one special event sign shall be permitted.
      (3)   A special event sign shall be located so as not to project into or overhang any public right of way, driveway or sidewalk.
      (4)   The location of a special event sign shall not impede on-site or off-site vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
      (5)   A special event sign shall not be permanently fastened to a building or structure and shall be securely fastened to the ground.
      (6)   The maximum size of a special event sign shall be thirty-two square feet in display area.
      (7)   The maximum height of a special event sign shall be eight feet.
      (8)   Upon submittal of an application for a special event sign, a cash deposit in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall be made with the Township Treasurer.
      (9)   A special event sign shall be removed from the premises conducting the special event not later than twenty-four hours after expiration of the sign permit.
      (10)   Failure to comply with any and all of the above regulations or failure to completely remove the special event sign within twenty-four hours after the permit has expired shall result in forfeiture of one hundred dollars ($100.00) of the cash deposit.
      (11)   Applicants who receive a permit for a special event sign thereby give the unconditional right to the Township, as a condition for the privilege of receiving the permit, to remove any special event sign or any portion or part thereof which remains on the premises for more than twenty-four hours after the permit has expired.
      (12)   Removal of a special event sign or any portion or part thereof by the Township more than twenty-four hours after the permit has expired shall result in forfeiture of the two hundred dollar ($200.00) cash deposit.
         A.   The maximum size of an entranceway sign shall be seventy-five square feet in display area.
         B.   The maximum height of an entranceway sign shall be five feet.
         C.   An entranceway sign shall not be located within the triangular area formed by the intersection of any two public right-of-way lines and the line between such public right-of-way lines at points twenty-five feet distant from the point of their intersection.
         D.   A subdivision entranceway sign located within a public right of way shall comply with regulations established by the Macomb County Road Commission, the Michigan Department of Highways and Transportation or the United States Department of Transportation.
   (q)   "Vehicle business sign" means a vehicle upon which a sign is painted or attached and which is parked upon the premises for the intent of advertising.
   (r)   "Window sign" means lightweight sign constructed of material such as cardboard, cloth, paper, plastic, metal or wood.
      (1)   Window signs shall be limited in area to fifty percent of the total surface of the window.
      (2)   Window signs shall be located and contained wholly within a building so as to be visible from outside the building.
(Ord. 298. Passed 12-29-93; Ord. 298-A-1. Passed 10-3-94; Ord. Unno. Passed 9-29-97; Ord. Unno. Passed 8-27-01; Ord. Unno. Passed 12-16-02; Ord. Unno. Passed 11-21-05; Ord. 431. Passed 4-24-17.)