Drainage fees shall be as prescribed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees for the Charter Township of Clinton, except for initial fees provided herein. Such fees shall be effective thirty days after publication of an adopting resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the Township. Fees are calculated as follows:
   (a)   Drainage System Development Fee. A drainage system development fee shall be due and payable prior to the issuance of any building permits in the following manner for the following uses:
      (1)   For single-family residential development, other than condominium development, drainage fees shall be calculated at ten cents ($.10) per square foot, based on the grade level perimeter of the building and any attached structures or detached garages or other detached structures in excess of 120 square feet.
      (2)   For residential condominiums and residential multiple dwellings, five cents ($.05) per square foot of the grade level perimeter of all buildings and attached structures and any pavement areas including roads and parking areas, excluding sidewalks but including driveways.
      (3)   For all other development, seven cents ($.07) per square foot for the grade level perimeter of the building and attached structures and any pavement areas including roads and parking areas, excluding sidewalks but including driveways.
      (4)   For all redevelopment where a site plan has previously been issued and a new site plan has been applied for the rate shall be one-third of the fee which would be applicable from the foregoing paragraphs based on the nature of the development, i.e., single-family, residential family, residential condominium, residential multiple, or other development, unless the site plan provides for an expansion of parking lot and/or building envelope of over fifty percent of the entire site. If such expansion is proposed, the fees shall be calculated in the same manner as the previous paragraph. Fee calculation shall include all buildings, structures, roads, parking and driveways as depicted on the site plan, whether pre-existing or proposed.
   (b)   Special Lateral Drain Benefit Fee. Fees shall be charged on the basis of a linear foot or fraction thereof, utilizing the average width of the parcel and calculated as follows:
      6 inches         -      $15/lineal foot
      8 inches         -      $18/lineal foot
      12 inches         -      $32/lineal foot
      15 inches         -      $36/lineal foot
      18 inches         -      $40/lineal foot
      24 inches         -      $46/lineal foot
      30 inches         -      $54/lineal foot
      36 inches         -      $64/lineal foot
      42 inches         -      $84/lineal foot
      Over 42 inches      -      $120/lineal foot
   (c)   Front Yard Lateral Drain Benefit Fee. Fees shall be charged on the basis of a linear foot or fraction thereof, utilizing the average width of the parcel and calculated as follows:
      6 inches         -      $15/lineal foot
      8 inches         -      $18/lineal foot
      12 inches         -      $32/lineal foot
      15 inches         -      $36/lineal foot
      18 inches         -      $40/lineal foot
      24 inches         -      $46/lineal foot
      30 inches         -      $54/lineal foot
      36 inches         -      $64/lineal foot
      42 inches         -      $84/lineal foot
      Over 42 inches      -      $120/lineal foot
   (d)   Rear Yard Lateral Drain Benefit Fee. Fees shall be charged on the basis of a linear foot or fraction thereof, utilizing the average width of the parcel and calculated as follows:
      6 inches         -      $15/lineal foot
      8 inches         -      $18/lineal foot
      12 inches         -      $32/lineal foot
      15 inches         -      $36/lineal foot
      18 inches         -      $40/lineal foot
      24 inches         -      $46/lineal foot
      30 inches         -      $54/lineal foot
      36 inches         -      $64/lineal foot
      42 inches         -      $84/lineal foot
      Over 42 inches      -      $120/lineal foot
(Ord. 290-A. Passed 2-18-92; Res. Unno. Passed 3-25-02; Ord. 379. Passed 4-1-08.)