(a)   No building or structure, whether now existing or hereafter erected, shall be left in a dangerous or hazardous condition by virtue of disrepair, depreciation, damage by fire, collapse or act of God or by virtue of any other cause, but shall be forthwith repaired or rehabilitated, and the dangerous or hazardous condition removed by the owner or occupant thereof, or, in the alternative, torn down and removed and any excavation thereunder filled to grade level.
   (b)   No building so damaged or destroyed to such an extent that the cost of repair and rehabilitation to place it in a safe, sound and sanitary condition exceeds fifty percent of the assessed valuation of the building, at the time the repair or rehabilitation is to be made, shall be repaired or rehabilitated, unless it is made to comply in all respects with the provisions of all Clinton Township ordinances governing such building. Any building so damaged or destroyed to such an extent that the cost of repair and rehabilitation to place it in a safe, sound and sanitary condition exceeds 100 percent of the assessed valuation, at the time the repair or rehabilitation is to be made, shall be deemed unfit for human habitation and shall be immediately vacated, and, unless made to comply with all the provisions of this Building and Housing Code, shall be demolished and removed.
   (c)   It shall be a violation for any person having an ownership interest in or an occupancy right to permit or allow a condition as described above in division (a) and/or where the surrounding premises requires the trimming and removal of vegetation, or the removal of debris and personality in order to avoid vermin harborage, fire risk, a risk of injury to persons entering the premises, or blighting. As a further cumulative remedy, the court may, upon the consent of the Township, permit the trimming and removal of vegetation, removal of debris and personality and securing of the building and structures, including boarding, taping, and fencing, and other similar activities. The expenses of Township personnel shall be calculated utilizing an hourly rate, plus fringe benefit costs, and any contractors engaged shall be utilized using the actual expenses incurred. The court may order that such costs and expenses be secured by a recorded lien upon the subject property until full payment is received by the Township.
(Ord. 169. Passed 1-29-64; Ord. 467. Passed 6-29-20.)