(a)   Where outlets are provided for fire protection on any premises, or where hose connections for fire apparatus are provided on any pipe, each connection or opening on said pipe shall have not less than 25 feet of fire hose constantly attached thereto, and no water shall be taken through such openings or hose for any purpose other than for extinguishing fires, except for the purpose of testing such fire equipment.
   (b)   Fire hydrants are to be opened and used only by the employees of the Water and Sewers Department and the Fire Department.
   (c)   No person, firm, or corporation shall in any manner obstruct or prevent free access to any fire hydrant by parking a motor vehicle, or by placing or storing, temporarily or otherwise, any car, object, material, snow, debris, or structure of any kind, within a distance of fifteen feet of the. same.
   (d)   Hydrants shall be installed along the water main at least every 500 feet in single-family residential districts. All other districts shall have fire hydrants installed not more than every 300 feet or as required by the Fire Marshall. Fire hydrants shall be physically located at a distance as close to 50 feet from buildings wherever reasonably practicable. The final location shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Marshall.
(Ord. 319. Passed 12-22-97; Ord. 482. Passed 10-24-22.)