1022.01 Construction, maintenance and repair; compliance required.
1022.02 When sidewalks are required.
1022.03 Duties of property occupants and owners involving maintenance and removal of obstruction.
1022.04 Construction or repair; permit required.
1022.05 Permit fee.
1022.06 Specifications.
1022.07 Alignment and grade.
1022.08 Sidewalks on corner lots.
1022.09 Identification and liability of contractor; stenciling.
1022.10 Sidewalk fund.
1022.11 Duty to make repairs, eliminate defects and encroachments and install sidewalks.
1022.12 Appeals.
1022.13 Construction contract notice.
1022.14 Dedication.
1022.15 Authority for issuance of appearance tickets.
1022.16 Equitable remedies.
1022.99 Penalty.
Sidewalks in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1228.04(a)
Sidewalks in MH Mobile Home Park Districts - see P. & Z. 1266.05