The exemption from all property taxes provided to a housing development which qualifies under this subchapter may be terminated by resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Clinton if any of the following events occurs and the owner or sponsor does not satisfy the requirements it has failed to satisfy within thirty (30) days after the date of a notice sent to the sponsor or owner informing the sponsor or owner that it has failed to satisfy certain requirements set forth in this chapter:
(a) The owner or sponsor fails to complete the work described in the approved rehabilitation plan within the time for performance of the work described in the approved rehabilitation plan.
(b) The owner or sponsor fails to submit the certificates as required under Section 890.14(e) or (f).
(c) The owner or sponsor fails to maintain or repair the improvements as required under Section 890.14(g).
(d) The owner or sponsor fails to submit the certificate or audited statement of operations as required under Section 890.14(h).
In the event an owner or sponsor receives a notice that one of the events described above has occurred, the owner or sponsor shall be entitled to a hearing on the determination that the owner or sponsor has failed to satisfy a requirement of this subchapter before the Board of Trustees if the owner or sponsor requests such a hearing in writing within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice described above. At the hearing, the Board of Trustees may, for good cause shown, extend the time for compliance with the requirements of this subchapter or approve modifications to the rehabilitation plan.
(Ord. 360. Passed 2-27-06.)