Alarm Systems
607.01   Purpose. (Repealed)
607.02   Definitions.
607.03   Automatic telephone alarm systems; police-monitored alarm systems.
607.04   Separate alarm systems required for multiple occupancy buildings.
607.05   Alarm duration; peace disturbances; nuisances.
607.06   False alarm fees.
607.07   Interference with Police and Fire Department communications systems.
607.99   Penalty.
   Alarm systems - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 338.1051 et seq.
   Automatic intrusion alarms and alerting devices prohibited - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 484.1207
   Police Department - see ADM. Ch. 236
   Fire Department - see ADM. Ch. 238
   Nuisances - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 654
   Fire alarm supervision - see B. & H. 1426.05 (Rule 9)