A project citizens district council shall not be required and, if formed, shall be dissolved in any of the following situations:
   (a)   On petition of not less than twenty percent of the adult resident population of the project district area by the last Federal decennial or Municipal census. In such cases, a governing body, after public hearing with notice thereof given in accordance with Section 276.46, and by a two-thirds vote, may adopt an ordinance for the project to eliminate the necessity of a project citizens district council.
   (b)   When there are less than eighteen residents, real property owners, or representatives of establishments located in the project district area eligible to serve on the project citizens district council.
   (c)   When the Township Board of Trustees determines that the objectives of the project plan have been substantially achieved. The determination shall not become effective until twenty days after notice is given, in writing, to the project citizens district council advising the project citizens district council of the determination. If, within the twenty-day period, the project citizens district council notifies the Township Board of Trustees, in writing, of its disapproval of the determination, the determination shall not become effective unless thereafter approved by a two-thirds majority of the governing body more than thirty days after receipt of the notice of disapproval. During that period, the governing body shall consult with the project citizens district council concerning the objections of the project citizens district council to the determination.
   (d)   Upon termination of a project by ordinance of the Township Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 254. Passed 3-27-78.)