Employees Civil Service Commission
270.01   Adoption of Act 246 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended.
270.02   Civil service system and Commission established.
270.03   Selection of members; terms of office; filling vacancies; quorum; removal from office.
270.04   Compensation and expenses.
270.05   Personnel Director; compensation of Director and assistants; contract for use of other facilities; rules and regulations; photographs; nondiscrimination.
270.06   Classified service; unclassified service.
270.07   Meetings.
270.08   Powers and duties.
270.09   Filling positions in classified service; procedure.
270.10   Necessity for taking examination.
270.11   Filling vacancies by promotion; procedure.
270.12   Removal, suspension, reduction in rank or compensation; procedure.
270.13   Annual report.
270.14   Approval of payrolls.
270.15   Political contributions; violation; removal from office.
270.16   Refusal to appear or testify; witness fees; attendance of witnesses; production of books and papers; giving of testimony; false swearing.
270.17   Violations; refusal, neglect, omission, or nonperformance of duty.
270.18   Prohibition of discrimination; membership in subversive organizations.
270.19   Offices and accommodations.
270.20   Appropriations.
270.99   Penalty.
   Powers and duties of officers - see Michigan Charter Township Act (Act 359 of 1947)
   Employees Civil Service Department - see ADM. Ch. 252
   Police and Fire Civil Service Commission - see ADM. Ch. 272
   Employees generally - see ADM. Ch. 290