(A)   The owner or owners of any tract of land, comprising an area of not less than four acres, may submit in a similar manner, a development plan for a community shopping center, which shall be processed in the manner prescribed in § 152.290(A). The plan, together with the recommendations of the City Plan Commission shall be embodied in a report to the Common Council, stating the reason for the approval or disapproval of the plan and application, and specific evidence and facts showing that the proposed community shopping center development plan has or has not considered and made provision for the following essential elements:
      (1)   The commercial uses included in the plan are limited to those permitted in the B1 District;
      (2)   The entire Development is designed as a single architectural unit with appropriate landscape architectural treatment of the entire unit area;
      (3)   That at least twice the gross floor area of the stores to be included within the development plus one vehicle parking space for each six seats in any theater or place of congregation included within the parts of the design of the unit plan;
      (4)   The appropriate use of property adjacent to the area included in the plan will be fully safeguarded; and
      (5)   The plan is consistent with the intent of this chapter to promote the public health, safety and general welfare.
   (B)   If the Common Council approves the proposed development for a community shopping center, improvement location permits and certificates of occupancy shall be issued as prescribed in § 152.290(B).
(Ord. passed - -)