§ 130.03 LOITERING.
   (A)   No person, firm or corporation shall obstruct or hinder the public use of any public streets, lanes, alleys, sidewalks, crossings or other similar public areas. However, any person, firm or corporation may apply to the Board of Public Works and Safety in the city for permission to place temporary obstruction upon the public ways. The Board of Public Works and Safety shall be authorized to grant this permission upon any terms, conditions and limitations which it may see fit.
   (B)   (1)   A person shall not stand, lie, lounge or sit (either directly or on a chair, box or other object) on any street, alley, sidewalk, curb, gutter, any public right-of-way; or in any driveway open to the public; or in any doorway, entranceway or passageway open to the public; or in any doorway, entranceway or passageway affording entrance or exit by the public into or from any building, whether the building or any establishment therein is open for business or not. Nor shall a person congregate with others in such places so as to physically obstruct by his or her actions or behavior, presence or location, unimpeded passage by others.
      (2)   A person shall not sit, stand, lie or lounge upon, or hang upon or from the exterior of any automobile, bus, truck, motor vehicle or vehicular trailer, whether the vehicle is moving, stopped or parked in such a manner so as to physically obstruct by his or her actions or behavior, presence or location, unimpeded passage by others.
      (3)   A person shall not cause, or incite by illegal activities, arguments or disturbances, or use abusive or obscene language disturbing others within the business and or residential areas of the city or any city park area.
   (C)   The prohibition, above, against sitting and standing on the sidewalk and curbs shall not apply during or immediately prior to any public parade or other public celebration at the site of such parade or celebration for which parade or celebration the proper governmental agency has granted permission.
(Ord. 10,1993, passed 12-13-1993) Penalty, see § 130.99