Recommended but not mandatory:
   (A)   The purpose of the preapplication conference, arranged upon request of the subdivider, will permit the subdivider an opportunity to determine whether or not the tract of land he proposes to subdivide is proper for such development. The subdivider will receive assistance concerning the relationship of the land he proposes for subdividing, with the comprehensive city plan and other plans or public improvements which might affect the area.
   (B)   General information prepared in advance of the preapplication conference by the subdivider, is recommended as hereinafter set forth.
   (C)   Sketch plan, on a U.S. geological survey quadrangle map or other available topographic map, should show in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions. The proposed features may be in freehand sketch form. This drawing should include the following information:
      1.   Location, tract boundaries, township, north arrow, scale and date.
      2.   Existing highways and proposed street layout on and adjacent to the tract.
      3.   Location of existing utilities and proposed extensions to serve the tract.
      4.   Information on method of sewage disposal and water supply.
      5.   Existing zoning districts for proposed tract and adjacent areas.
      6.   Existing topographic features, natural and manmade.
      7.   Subdivision name and name and address of subdivider, engineer and surveyor.
      8.   Location of schools, parks, playgrounds, shopping centers, and other significant community features.
      9.   At least one reference point in state plane coordinate.
   (D)   The conference will be scheduled at the convenience of the planning commission, subdivider, and other personnel attending this conference as requested by the planning commission.
   (E)   No fee will be required for the preapplication conference. (Ord. 869, 11-5-2001)