The grantee shall, in the case of any emergency or disaster, make its entire cable system available without charge to the grantor or to any other governmental or civil defense agency that the grantor shall designate. The cable system shall be engineered to provide an audio and video alert system to allow authorized officials to automatically override the audio and video signal on all channels and transmit and report emergency information pursuant to FCC regulations. The franchising authority shall hold the grantee, its agents, employees, officers and assigns hereunder, harmless from any claims arising out of the emergency use of its facilities by the franchising authority, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, provided that the emergency alert system is in good repair and is operational as required by FCC regulations and the franchise agreement. The grantee will install and maintain a back up generator at its headend that will provide the needed power to generate the headend in the event of a power outage.
(Ord. 2314, passed 1-25-2006)