(A)   All full-time city employees employed by the city after September 1, 2022, must reside within 20 air miles of City Hall within one year after their first day of work and must remain within 20 air miles of their place of employment throughout their period of employment with the city. These residency requirements are a condition of employment with the city.
   (B)   Any existing employment contracts specifying a residency requirement shall take precedence over this section.
   (C)   RESIDENCY means the primary address where the full-time employee lives at least 75% of the time, and where said employee receives mail on a regular basis.
(1999 Code, § 5.13) (Ord. 2570, passed 3-27-2018; Ord. 2589, passed 8-14-2018; Ord. 2704, passed 8-9-2022)