(A)   No person shall drill or construct a well for purposes other than a public water supply system after May 1, 2006 or own or use a well for purposes other than a public water supply system drilled or constructed after May 1, 2006, within the following described area of the city, unless a permit has been issued for the well by the city:
      Commencing at the intersection of U.S. Highway 30 and Mill Creek Parkway, thence extending along centerline of rights-of-way north on the Mill Creek Parkway to Sixteenth Street northwest, thence north on Sixteenth Street northwest to Main Avenue, thence east on Main Avenue to the intersection of Eighth Street northwest, thence north on Eighth Street northwest extended northerly to North Stockwell Lane, then east on North Stockwell Lane to Eagle Point Park, thence east through Eagle Point Park to the east city limits, thence south on the east city limits along the Mississippi River to the north line of Beaver Slough, then southwesterly along the northerly line of Beaver Slough to the south city limits, thence westerly on the south city limits to South Thirtieth Street, thence north on South Thirtieth Street to the intersection of U.S. Highway 30 and Mill Creek Parkway.
   (B)   A PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM is defined herein as defined in the Iowa Code § 455B.171.
(Ord. 2265, passed 4-22-2003; Ord. 2300, passed 8-23-2005; Ord. 2324, passed 5-23-2006) Penalty, see § 102.99