The order of business is as follows:
(A) Call to order;
(B) Pledge of Allegiance;
(C) Roll call by the Clerk;
(D) Minutes of the previous meeting;
(E) Public hearings;
(F) Audience comment; (The purpose of the audience comment portion of the agenda is to provide an opportunity for citizens to address the Council on any issue of that citizen’s concern. The audience comment opportunity is not a forum for debate with the Mayor, any Council member or any staff member. Citizens with questions which require answers or concerns which require discussion are encouraged to contact the appropriate individual city official or appropriate staff member at another time. Individuals are limited to three minutes to make their comments.)
(G) Unanimous consent calendar;
(H) Ordinances, resolutions and motions;
(I) Unfinished business; and
(J) Adjourn.
(1999 Code, § 7.06) (Ord. 2398, passed 1-13-2009)
(A) Public hearings.
Mayor convenes public hearing and inquires with Clerk whether written or oral objections or comments have been filed with the Clerk’s office. If any written objections or comments have been filed, Clerk reads objections or comments. Mayor inquires whether anyone in the audience wishes to address the public hearing.
(2) Mayor recognizes any members of the public who wish to address the public hearing.
(3) Mayor recognizes any Council members who wish to comment on written or oral objections or comments from audience.
(4) Mayor declares hearing closed and states the City Clerk shall note all written or oral objections in the official records, as required by law.
(B) Resolutions. Read the resolution or its title and move that it be adopted as presented, as amended or denied.
(C) Ordinances. A proposed ordinance or amendment must be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed, unless this requirement is suspended by a recorded vote of not less than three-fourths of all of the members of the Council. If a proposed ordinance, amendment, or resolution fails to receive sufficient votes for passage at any consideration and vote thereon, the proposed ordinance, amendment, or resolution shall be considered defeated.
(Iowa Code § 380.3) (Ord. 2631, passed 1-28-2020
; Ord. 2637, passed 4-14-2020
(A) Purpose. The purpose of the Council Committee of the Whole is to identify, define and investigate issues and to determine by majority vote those questions of policy which are to be forwarded to the Council for decision. Action on any motion during Council Committee of the Whole meetings shall be interpreted as a determination regarding placing an item or issue on the agenda of a regular Council meeting, and shall not constitute a decision on the item or issue.
(B) Organization. The Committee of the Whole is organized as follows.
(1) Presiding officer. The Mayor is the presiding officer of the Committee of the Whole.
(2) Meetings. Council Committee of the Whole meetings are held following the regular Council meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Council Chambers. Regularly scheduled meetings may be rescheduled when they fall on holidays or because of special circumstances as determined by the Council. Additional Committee of the Whole meetings may be held as determined by the Council. Efforts shall be made to avoid unnecessary delays in addressing policy matters and to provide a balanced agenda by distributing Council Committee of the Whole agenda items over the available meeting dates of each month.
(3) Agenda. Any Council member or the Mayor may request that an item be placed on the Council Committee of the Whole agenda. The request may be made at any Council or Council Committee of the Whole meeting. The request may also be made in writing to the City Administrator’s office, the request to be copied to each member of the Council. The Council Committee of the Whole agenda is prepared under the direction of the City Administrator. Extensive background development or staff research shall be provided for any agenda item only by Committee of the Whole majority vote. (This is consistent with the principle that the city government organization works under the direction of the Council and not under the direction of one member or of a minority of the Council.) Ongoing business items may be placed on the Committee of the Whole agenda by the City Administrator.
(4) Standing committees. The Council Committee of the Whole may recommend the establishment of standing committees. Each committee shall consist of not more than three Council members. The purpose of the standing committees is to study, discuss, review and receive citizen communication on policy issues and to report findings and/or recommendations to the Council Committee of the Whole or to the Council at a regular council meeting. The standing committee shall have no power to formally and finally decide any issue and their recommendation are to be viewed as advisory in nature.
(a) Any member of the Council shall be entitled to attend (and participate in the discussion before) any standing committee but the members shall be seated in the area reserved for the general public and are not entitled to vote or be counted in determining a quorum.
(b) The attendance by non committee members of the Council shall not be defined or construed as constituting a meeting of the Committee of the Whole or of a meeting of the full Council.
(1999 Code, § 7.09) (Ord. 2105, passed 11-9-1999; Ord. 2418, passed 7-13-2010)
Citizens are encouraged to attend any and all regular Council meetings, all Council Committee of the Whole meetings, all standing committee meetings and any special task force meetings. For specific issues, such as petitions presented by citizens, public input may be solicited by any Council member. If citizen input is needed for information or opinion, the affected party shall be notified of the time and place of the meeting. During Council Committee of the Whole, standing committee meetings and task force meetings, the public may be invited to provide information or opinion on any agenda item by members of the Committee or by the Mayor.
(1999 Code, § 7.11)