(A)   Public hearings.
      (1)    Mayor convenes public hearing and inquires with Clerk whether written or oral objections or comments have been filed with the Clerk’s office. If any written objections or comments have been filed, Clerk reads objections or comments. Mayor inquires whether anyone in the audience wishes to address the public hearing.
      (2)   Mayor recognizes any members of the public who wish to address the public hearing.
      (3)   Mayor recognizes any Council members who wish to comment on written or oral objections or comments from audience.
      (4)   Mayor declares hearing closed and states the City Clerk shall note all written or oral objections in the official records, as required by law.
   (B)   Resolutions. Read the resolution or its title and move that it be adopted as presented, as amended or denied.
   (C)   Ordinances. A proposed ordinance or amendment must be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be finally passed, unless this requirement is suspended by a recorded vote of not less than three-fourths of all of the members of the Council. If a proposed ordinance, amendment, or resolution fails to receive sufficient votes for passage at any consideration and vote thereon, the proposed ordinance, amendment, or resolution shall be considered defeated.
(Iowa Code § 380.3) (Ord. 2631, passed 1-28-2020 ; Ord. 2637, passed 4-14-2020 )