(A)   Off-street parking permits.
      (1)   The City Clerk shall issue three-month window stickers or placards authorizing parking for up to eight consecutive hours in the following parking lots:
         (a)   Fourth Avenue South and South Second Street;
         (b)   Sixth Avenue South and South Second Street; and
         (c)   The 200 block of Sixth Avenue South.
      (2)   The fee for the window sticker or placard will be established by City Council resolution. The number of reserved parking spaces in these specified off-street parking lots will also be established by City Council resolution. The window sticker or placard shall be valid for up to two vehicle license numbers.
   (B)   On-street parking spaces. Persons who are handicapped and work in the downtown area may apply for a parking permit allowing them to park in the downtown parking area on-street as long as they want except from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. when there is no parking downtown. Application shall be made to the City Clerk’s office for the permit by presenting a state-approved handicap parking permit, a letter from their employer that they are employed downtown and unable to walk from the unrestricted parking lot to the place of employment, and a copy of their driver’s license. The state-approved handicap parking permit and employment status will be reviewed periodically. The administration fee for issuing the permit and for the monthly fee for the permit shall be established by resolution. The City Clerk shall issue a placard showing on-street parking is permitted. The placard must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle in order for the vehicle not to be issued a parking ticket for parking in excess of the posted limit. The vehicle may be parked on-street in either handicapped parking spaces or regular parking spaces.
   (C)   Special off-street parking permits. The City Council may from time to time approve, by resolution, special off-street parking permit arrangements for various purposes such as the development of permanent housing in the downtown area.
   (D)   Daily parking permits. The Clerk may issue daily parking permits as necessary for the purpose of having tools or equipment available at a job site or for any other reasonable purpose in off-street or on-street parking areas, with the fee for the daily permits to be established by Council resolution.
(1999 Code, § 69.12) (Ord. 2263, passed 1-14-2003; Ord. 2284, passed 11-9-2004) Penalty, see § 79.99