(A)   An application for the renewal of a retail alcohol license must be received by the City Clerk’s Office at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the existing license or the licensee will not be allowed to sell liquor, wine or beer during the period of time between the date the existing license expires and the date the City Council approves the application for renewal.
   (B)   For the City Council to approve an application for renewal of a retail alcohol license all required inspections must be completed no later than the Wednesday prior to the City Council action on the application.
   (C)   Upon receipt of an application for the renewal of a retail alcohol license the City Clerk’s Office shall forward it to the Chief of Police, who shall conduct an investigation and shall submit a written report and recommendation to the City Council as to the approval of the license.
   (D)   Any violation of city code, including, but not limiting to this chapter, Ch. 111 and Ch. 130, and/or any violation of State Code Chapter 123, will result in the Council unenrolling the retail alcohol licensee from the automatic renewal program, or opposing licensee’s entry into the automatic renewal program.
   (E)   If a licensee does not remain in good standing during their license term, it will result in the Council unenrolling the licensee from the automatic renewal program, or opposing licensee’s entry into the automatic renewal program.
(Ord. 2606, passed 3-26-2019; Ord. 2735, passed 2-13-2024)