(A)   Each mobile food vending unit or food stand shall obtain the necessary licenses and/or permits as may be required by the county, state, or federal governing bodies. All applicants shall comply with all applicable county, state or federal laws, rules and regulations.
   (B)   The City Clerk shall issue to each licensee a license for each mobile food vending unit or food stand. Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year from the date of issuance. The license shall be carried at all times by licensee and exhibit the license as evidence of compliance with all requirements of this chapter upon request.
   (C)   The City Clerk or authorized representative is authorized to establish administrative rules not inconsistent with any ordinance to carry out the provisions of this chapter. A copy of said rules shall be on file at the City Clerk. Any rules established under authority granted by this provision shall not conflict with or encroach upon issues, procedures, policies or other regulations established by the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals (“Iowa DIA”) or over which the Iowa DIA has the authority to regulate and any such conflict shall be resolved in favor of the Iowa DIA regulation or authority.
   (D)   A mobile food vendor license shall be denied to any applicant who has been found to have operated a mobile food vending unit or food stand in material violation of any of the requirements of this chapter of the code within the prior 180 days.
   (E)   The City Clerk shall deny any application for the operation of a mobile food vending unit or food stand that does not conform with all applicable requirements of this chapter as well as any other applicable provisions of this Code, the Iowa Code, and/or the Iowa Administrative Code (“IAC”).
   (F)   In the event an application for a mobile food vendor license is denied, the City Clerk or authorized designee shall provide written notice of the denial in accordance with the notice and appeal provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 2613, passed 5-14-2019)