§ 31.058 CITY EMBLEM.
   (A)   The city shall hereby have an official emblem. The City Clerk, the Mayor, a majority of the members of the City Council acting collectively, and, with the express written consent of one or more of the above, all city employees shall have the right to use the official emblem only respecting official city matters, and only within the scope of their responsibilities as officials and employees. The city emblem shall appear upon official documents and notices only. The emblem shall not be replicated orused except with the expressed consent of the City, and shall not be commercially replicated for sale, except by manufacturers licensed by the City, and where the specific use of the emblem by said manufacturer is expressly approved by the City Council.
   (B)    The city emblem shall comprise the following image:
(Ord. 2594, passed 10-9-2018; Ord. 2607, passed 3-26-2019)