For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CITY ENGINEER. The City Engineer of the city or any authorized deputy, agent or representative.
    DEVELOPMENT. Any manmade change to real estate.
   EROSION. The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water and ice.
   EXCESSIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF. The volume and rate of flow of stormwater discharge from an urbanized drainage area which is or will be in excess of that volume and rate which existed prior to the development.
   FIFTY-YEAR STORM. Six and three-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   FIVE-YEAR STORM. Three and nine-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   NATURAL OUTLET. Any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or groundwater.
   ONE HUNDRED-YEAR STORM. Seven and three-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   ONE-YEAR STORM. Two and six-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   SEDIMENTATION. The process that deposits soils, debris and other material either on other ground surfaces or in bodies of water of storm drainage systems.
   SITE. Any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof under the same ownership.
   STORM DRAIN or STORM SEWER. A sewer which carries storm and surface waters and drainage but excludes sewage and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
   STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM. All means, natural or manmade, used for conducting stormwater to, through or from a drainage area to the point of final outlet from a property.
   STORMWATER RUNOFF. The waters derived from melting snow or rain falling within a tributary drainage basin, which flow over the surface of the ground or are collected in channels or conduits.
   TEN-YEAR STORM. Four and five-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   TWENTY-FIVE-YEAR STORM. Five and five-tenths inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
   TWO-YEAR STORM. Three and one-tenth inches of rain falling in a 24-hour period.
(Ord. 2390, passed 10-28-2008; Ord. 2543, passed 9-27-2016)