(A)   Notice. The Finance Department shall notify each delinquent customer that service will be discontinued if payment of the sewer account, including late payment charges, is not received by the date specified in the notice of delinquency. Such notice shall be sent by ordinary mail to the customer in whose name the delinquent charges were incurred and shall inform the customer of the nature of the delinquency and afford the customer 14 days’ notice to request a hearing prior to the discontinuance. Failure of a customer to request a hearing within the allotted time shall constitute a forfeiture of the right to a hearing.
   (B)   Notice to Landlords. If the customer is a tenant, and if the owner or landlord of the property or premises has made a written request for notice, the notice of delinquency shall also be given to the owner or landlord.
   (C)   Hearing. If a hearing is requested within the 14 day timeframe referenced in division (A), the Finance Director shall schedule, within five calendar days after the request, or as soon thereafter as practicable, an informal hearing at which the customer may submit relevant evidence concerning the amounts owed. Testimony and documentation submitted by the customer may be limited to evidence concerning any alleged errors in the amount owed and the identity of the person owing the billed amounts. All hearings will be audio recorded. If the Finance Director finds that disconnection is supported by the evidence, then such disconnection shall be made, unless payment has been received.
   (D)   Fees. Fees for disconnection of water service and reconnection of said service shall be established through a resolution of the City Council in accordance with an agreement with Iowa American Water for the discontinuation of water services for a delinquent account.
(Ord. 2522, passed 8-25-2015)
Statutory reference:
   Similar state law, see Iowa Code §§ 384.84 and 476.20