§ 32.601 MEMBERSHIP.
   (A)   Membership of the Capital Improvements Planning Committee shall be comprised of nine persons recruited from the following organizations:
      (1)   Clinton Community School District Board Member - one member
      (2)   Supervisor from the Clinton County Board of Supervisors - one member
      (3)   City of Clinton Plan Commission - two members
      (4)   City Council of the City of Clinton - three members
      (5)   Citizen of the City of Clinton - two members
      (6)   Grow Clinton - one member
   (B)   The term of each member’s service shall be for a period consistent with the term of their elected position or office, or for four years, whichever is shorter.
(Ord. 2512, passed 9-23-2014; Ord. 2533, passed 1-26-2016; Ord. 2701, passed 6-15-2022)