(A)   Neither a reinvestment zone nor abatement agreement shall be authorized if it is determined that:
      (1)   There would be a substantial adverse affect on the provision of government service or tax base;
      (2)   The applicant has insufficient financial capacity;
      (3)   Planned or potential use of the property would constitute a hazard to public safety, health or morals;
      (4)   Violation of other codes or laws; or
      (5)   Any other reason deemed appropriate by the City Council.
   (B)   From the execution of the abatement to the end of the abatement period, taxes shall be payable as follows:
      (1)   The value of ineligible property as provided in § 36.21(E) of this chapter shall be fully taxable;
      (2)   The base year value of existing eligible property as determined each year shall be fully taxable;
      (3)   The additional value of new eligible property shall be taxed in the manner, at the percentage and for the term of the abatement agreement; and
      (4)   The additional value of new eligible property shall be fully taxable at the end of the abatement period.
(2012 Code, § 80-38)  (Ord. 071602, passed - -2007)