§ 158.55  CONFORMANCE.
   In addition to the requirements of this chapter, all subdivision plats shall comply with the following laws, rules and regulations:
   (A)   All applicable statutory provisions;
   (B)   The local government building and housing codes and all other applicable laws of the appropriate jurisdictions;
   (C)   The general plan, official map, public utilities plan and capital improvements program of the city including all streets, drainage systems and parks shown on the official map or general plan;
   (D)   The special requirements of these regulations and any rules of the county, the city’s Public Works Department and/or appropriate state agencies;
   (E)   The rules of the state’s Department of Transportation, if the subdivision or any lot contained in it abuts a state highway or connecting street; and
   (F)   Plat approval may be withheld if a subdivision is not in conformity with the above guides or policies of these regulations.
(2012 Code, § 77-111)