(A)   The Hospital Authority shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. Directors shall serve until their successors have been appointed and duly qualified, unless other provision is made in a bond resolution or trust indenture in connection with the issuance of bonds as provided by the Hospital Authority Act, being Tex. Health and Safety Code Ch. 262, or some other provision of law. Each Director shall qualify by executing the oath of office required for appointed officials in the state. Directors will be appointed by the City Council unless another manner of appointment is provided for under specific circumstances by the Hospital Authority Act, being Tex. Health and Safety Code Ch. 262. After appointment, qualification and organization of the Board of Directors, the Hospital Authority shall be authorized to transact business and to exercise its powers, duties and functions pursuant to the Hospital Authority Act, being Tex. Health and Safety Code Ch. 262 and other applicable law.
   (B)   Three members of the initial Board of Directors of the Hospital Authority, as chosen and designated by the City Council, shall serve initial terms of one year. Four of the members of the initial Board of Directors of the Hospital Authority, as chosen and designated by the City Council, shall serve initial terms of two years. After the Directors’ initial terms have concluded, all Directors will be appointed for terms of two years. It is the intent of this section that, after the expiration of the initial terms of the initial Directors, three Director positions shall be appointed and filled in odd-numbered years and four Director positions shall be appointed and filled in even-numbered years.
(Ord. 120802, passed 9-11-2012)