(A)   (1)   No person shall perform any construction of facilities in the right-of-way without first obtaining a construction permit, except as otherwise provided by this chapter.
      (2)   The permit shall be in the name of the person who owns or will subsequently own the facilities to be constructed. The permit application shall be completed and signed by the person as permittee.
   (B)   A permit under this section shall not be required when providing primary service, as defined by this chapter, unless providing such primary service requires construction of a length of more than two feet within the right-of-way.
   (C)   Construction considered an emergency, as that term is defined by this chapter, relating to existing facilities may be undertaken without first obtaining a permit from the city. However, a user shall notify the city’s Director of Public Works’ office as promptly as possible after beginning the emergency construction, but in any event in writing no later than the next city-business day, of any emergency construction, and shall also provide within two business days a reasonably detailed description of the construction performed in the right-of-way, and shall further provide within 90 days from the date any facilities are reconstructed or relocated and an updated map of any facilities that were affected by such emergency construction, but if the facilities are merely repaired in place, no updated map shall be required. In the event of inclement weather or natural disaster, only one general notification will be required.
   (D)   A general permit, as defined herein, may be issued by the City Secretary and the Director of Public Works, but a permittee shall otherwise comply with division (E) below in the issuance of a general permit.
   (E)   A permittee shall provide the city’s Director of Public Works the following information prior to the permit being issued and such information shall be incorporated by reference into the permit:
      (1)   To whom the permit is issued;
      (2)   A description of the location of construction and facilities;
      (3)   A description of the route of all facilities to be constructed on or about the designated right-of-way;
      (4)   Location of all right-of-way easements which the permittee plans to use;
      (5)   Location of existing city and third-party facilities;
      (6)   Description of plans, which may be submitted as a form statement, to restore existing facilities pursuant to this chapter and other right-of-way construction, and such plans shall comply with the standard construction guidelines of the city, including the City of Clifton Standard Specifications, as revised;
      (7)   Drawings of any bores, trenches, hand holes, manholes, switch gear, transformers, pedestals, poles and the such-like, including any applicable depths and heights;
      (8)   Typicals of manholes and hand holes that the permittee plans to use or access;
      (9)   The construction methods and materials to be employed by the permittee for the protection of existing facilities within, above, beneath or adjacent to the right-of-way, all of which methods and materials are subject to approval by the city’s Director of Public Works;
      (10)   Estimated dates and times that construction is scheduled to be performed;
      (11)   The base material to be used;
      (12)   Restoration of property;
      (13)   Three sets of construction plans which shall be on a scale not to exceed one inch equaling 100 feet unless otherwise approved by the city’s Director of Public Works and the plans shall include the dimensions from the proposed facility to permanent reference points;
      (14)   Detailed description of what the permittee proposes to construct, including, but not limited to, if applicable, pipe sizes, the number of interducts and valves;
      (15)   A complete legend of drawings submitted by the permittee, which may be provided by reference to previously submitted documents, but if symbols are used, the permittee shall provide the city with an accurate guide to the meaning of any symbols used;
      (16)   A written statement that proof of insurance, bond or other financial information required under this chapter is current and on file with the city; and
      (17)   A traffic control plan acceptable to the city’s Director of Public Works.
   (F)   All construction in the right-of-way shall be in accordance with the construction permit for the facilities. The city’s Director of Public Works shall be provided access to the right-of-way construction and to such further information as the city’s Director of Public Works may reasonably require in order to ensure compliance with the permit or this chapter.
   (G)   A copy of the construction permit and approved Director of Public Works plans shall be maintained at the construction site and made available for inspection by the city’s Director of Public Works at all times when construction is occurring.
   (H)   All construction authorized by permit shall be completed in the time specified in the construction permit. If the construction cannot be completed in the specified time period, a user may request an extension of time from the city’s Director of Public Works, who shall not unreasonably deny such extension. A user may continue work that has been approved by the permit during the time the request for an extension is pending, so long as the request is made prior to the expiration of the permit.
   (I)   A copy of any permit or approval issued by federal or state authorities for work in federal or state right-of-way located in the city shall be provided by the user to the city’s Director of Public Works upon request.
   (J)   A request for a construction permit shall be submitted at least 15 city-business days before the commencement of the proposed construction unless:
      (1)   The construction is for primary service and state law or federal law requires construction time be less than 15 city-business days; or
      (2)   The city’s Director of Public Works agrees to a request by the user for a modified submission date.
   (K)   Requests for construction permits shall be promptly processed and approved or disapproved by the city’s Director of Public Works, but in any event no later than ten city-business days after receiving all the permit information required under this chapter; except that, if an emergency exists, a construction permit shall be processed as soon as reasonably practical.
   (L)   The city’s Director of Public Works may request a pre-construction meeting with the permittee or the user.
(Ord. 131101, passed 11-23-2013)