The powers and duties of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall be as follows.
   (A)   Advisory capacity to the City Council. The Board shall act only in a advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation; shall acquaint itself with and make a continuous study and inspection of the complete park and recreation system of the city; and shall advise the City Council from time to time as to the present and future planning, acquisition, development, enlargement and use policy of the parks and recreation system.
   (B)   Study and development of recreation areas. The Board shall study and encourage the development of park and recreation areas and study and encourage the development of wholesome recreation for all residents of the city.
   (C)   Advice to city staff. The Board shall advise the city staff of developing problems of recreational areas, facilities, programs or recreational services.
   (D)   Review, study and recommend projects and programs. The Board shall review, study and recommend to the City Administrator prioritized projects or activities considered desirable for presentation to the City Council in budget deliberations.
   (E)   Advise on long-range capital improvements plan.
      (1)   The Board shall advise the City Council and staff in the development of long-range capital improvement programs.
      (2)   The Board shall also recommend the need for additional park and recreation facilities, grounds and equipment.
   (F)   Recommend park and recreation rules and regulations. The Board shall recommend to the City Council rules and regulations governing the use of city parks and recreational facilities.
   (G)   Other recommendations to the Council. The Board shall make other recommendations to the staff or City Council that it considers appropriate and advisable.
   (H)   Solicitations. The Board may, with prior approval by the City Council, solicit gifts, revenues, bequests or endowments or money or property as donations or grants to the city, subject to the approval and acceptance by the City Council.
(2012 Code, § 2-254)