(A)   Permit for water connection. It shall be unlawful for any person to make or permit to be made any connection with the main or service pipes of the waterworks system or to turn on or use the water of such system, without first obtaining a permit. Application for such permit shall be filed with the city, stating fully the several and various uses for which water is wanted, giving the name of the owner of the property, the number of the lot and block, the name of the street and house number. If the application is approved by the city, the permit shall be issued.
(2012 Code, § 88-38)
   (B)   Separate water connections required; exception. Every premises connected with any water main, or being supplied with any water from the city waterworks, shall have a separate service connection, meter, curb stop box and curb cock; provided that, where a residence is not in reach of a city water main, arrangements may be made, at the option of the city, to secure water from another user of city water.
(2012 Code, § 88-39)
   (C)   Water tapping fees.
      (1)   The tapping fee for connections with the city water mains and laterals shall be as established by the Council.
      (2)   The fee referred to in division (C)(1) above shall apply where the connection is made in dirt or gravel, and there shall be an additional charge where the excavation is made in paved or improved streets or surfaces.
      (3)   The city shall be reimbursed for the actual cost to put the surface back to its original condition.
(2012 Code, § 88-40)
   (D)   Water connections to be made by city. Upon the issuance of a permit under division (A) above and the payment of the tapping fee prescribed by division (C) above, the Superintendent of the Waterworks shall make, or have made, the necessary connections and furnish a cast iron curb stop box and curb cock, the cost of which is included in the tapping fee.
(2012 Code, § 88-41)
   (E)   Setting of water meters. All water meters, whether private or belonging to the waterworks system, shall be set by the employees of the city.
(2012 Code, § 88-42)