The Fire Chief of the Fire Department shall be appointed by the Town Manager, and it shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to:
   (A)   Be responsible for the personnel, morale and general efficiency of the Fire Department;
   (B)   Direct the operations of the Fire Department, subject to the rules and regulations thereof;
   (C)   Be present at all fires, if possible, and plan and direct the extinguishment thereof. During the progress of a fire, the authority of the Fire Chief shall be absolute in all matters directly concerning the extinguishment of the fire and disposition of property endangered by it;
   (D)   Conduct suitable drills or instruction in the operation and handling of equipment, first aid and rescue work, salvage, a study of buildings in the town, water supplies and all other matters generally considered essential to good firemanship and safety of life and property from fire;
   (E)   Assist the proper authorities in suppressing the crime of arson by investigating or causing to be investigated the cause, origin and circumstances of all fires;
   (F)   In accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and Uniform Fire Code Standards provided in §§ 35.20 through 35.30, inspect buildings and premises and serve written notice upon the owner or occupant to abate, within a specified time, any and all fire hazards that may be found. Any person served with such written notice shall comply and notify the Fire Chief of his or her compliance within a reasonable time;
   (G)   Designate members of the Fire Department as inspectors;
   (H)   Recommend to the Town Manager the employment of qualified independent inspectors with a specific technical expertise;
   (I)   Keep complete records of all fires, inspections, apparatus and equipment, personnel and other information about the work of the Department open to Council inspection and furnish to the Council such information upon request;
   (J)   Make a complete annual report, in writing, to the Council at such time as may be specified by the Council. Such report shall include the information specified in division (I) above, together with comparative data for previous years and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the Department;
   (K)   Enforce or cause to be enforced all ordinances, laws and regulations of the town and state, insofar as they pertain to fire and safety; and
   (L)   Demote, dismiss or expel any officer or member of the Department for neglect or refusal to perform Departmental duties, subject to the right of any members so demoted, dismissed or expelled to appeal to the Council.
(1990 Code, § 4-3-4)